
马来西亚草药与中国相应传统药物的比较研究 被引量:2

A comparative study on medicinal herbs from Malaysia and China
摘要 从马来西亚当地草药专著中共收集到马来西亚草药568味,对其草药名称、拉丁学名、科属来源、功效、主治、药用部位及在中国的地域分布情况进行汇总分析,并将其与中国相应传统药物进行比较研究。统计发现,马来西亚草药来源于147个科和445个属,功效以"清热解毒(55.11%)、活血疗伤(23.42%)"等为主,用法多为"内服或外用"(75.18%),药用部位多为"全草"(45.25%),在我国各省份均有分布,但主要集中在广东(91.02%)、云南(88.38%)和广西(85.56%)。对比发现,有509味马来西亚草药在中国传统药物中有记载,其中95.48%与中国相应传统药物的药用部位与功效相同或相似,但有4.52%与中国相应传统药物的药用部位与功效完全不同。研究结果提示,我国传统医学对马来西亚传统医学产生了重要的影响,两国草药有着很大的相似性,但同时可能由于两国因地域和自然环境不同导致的疾病谱及药物有效成分差异,两国间部分草药亦存在显著差异。中、马两国草药的异同将为传统药物研究提供新的突破口,同时也为增进两国在传统医药领域的交流合作提供契机。 In this study,the information of 568 Malaysian medicinal herbs were collected from 11 Malaysian local herbal books.The herbal name,Latin scientific name,family and genera,efficacy,indication,usage,medicinal part and geographical distribution in China were analyzed and compared with the corresponding traditional Chinese medicines.According to statistics,Malaysian medicinal herbs are divided into 147 families and 445 generas,which have the main efficacies of"clearing heat and removing toxin(55.11%)"and"activating blood and healing(23.42%)".Most of their usage is"internal or external use"(75.18%),and most of their medicinal part is"whole grass(45.25%)",and distribute in all provinces of China,but mainly located in Guangdong(91.02%),Yunnan(88.38%),and Guangxi(85.56%).Moreover,509 of 568 Malaysian medicinal herbs are recorded in traditional Chinese medicine,95.48%of which are the same or similar to the corresponding traditional Chinese medicine in terms of their medicinal part and efficacy,while 4.52%of which are totally different from the corresponding traditional Chinese medicine in terms of their medicinal part and efficacy.The results indicate that traditional Chinese medicine has an important influence on Malaysian traditional medicine.And there are many similarities between Malaysian and Chinese medicinal herbs,but at the same time,due to the differences in disease spectrum and chemical composition caused by different regions and natural environments,there are also significant differences in some medicinal herbs between the two countries.The similarities and differences between Malaysian and Chinese medicinal herbs will provide a new breakthrough for the research of traditional medicine,and also provide an opportunity to enhance exchange and cooperation between the two countries in the field of traditional medicine.
作者 兰太进 孔鹏云 郭宏伟 运晨霞 侯小涛 郝二伟 杜正彩 冯秋瑜 张艺 Lim Yang Mooi 邓家刚 LAN Tai-jin;KONG Peng-yun;GUO Hong-wei;YUN Chen-xia;HOU Xiao-tao;HAO Er-wei;DU Zheng-cai;FENG Qiu-yu;ZHANG Yi;LIM YangMooi;DENG Jia-gang(School of Basic Medical Science,Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,China;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Efficacy Study on Chinese Materia Medica,Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,China;College of Pharmacy,Guangxi Medical University,Nanning 530021,China;College of Yao Medicine,Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,China;Research Center for Academic Inheritance and Innovation of Ethnic Medicine,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu 611137,China;Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,Tunku Abdul Rahman University,Kuala Lumpur 43000,Malaysia)
出处 《中草药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期2480-2492,共13页 Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs
基金 广西科技计划项目(桂科AD19110105):中国东盟传统药物研究国际合作联合实验室建设 广西高校人文社会科学重点研究基地--中国-东盟传统医药发展研究中心开发课题。
关键词 马来西亚草药 中国传统药物 清热解毒 活血疗伤 Malaysian herb traditional Chinese medicine clearing heat and removing toxin blood-activating and trauma-curing medicinal
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