

Rural Society:From“Centralized”Writing to“Marginalized”Writing——On the Development and Evolution of Chinese Literature in the Twentieth Century from the Perspective of“Rural Construction”
摘要 相对于中国古代文学来说,中国现当代文学具有更加鲜明的针对乡村社会的题材特征。对于乡村社会的重视或关注表面上看是不同的文学表达方式或不同的表现艺术的体现,但是,决定这些不同表达方式或表现艺术的根本原因则是一种带有政治倾向性的价值立场。二十世纪以来的中国文学在针对乡村社会的书写方面基本上经历了从“中心”到“边地”这样一个过程,因为二十世纪以来的中国社会经历了多重的转型,既有政治体制方面的转型,也有文化观念方面的转型。在这些“转型”的过程中,乡村社会所扮演的“角色”是很不一样的,实际上,这就是引起从“中心”书写到“边地”书写这一过程的根本原因。不同的书写方式必然能够体现出不同的意义,而针对不同意义的进一步的分析需要注意到这样两个方面,其一,乡村社会的重要性程度是一种不以人们的意志为转移的客观实际。其二,如何理解乡村社会以及如何认识整个社会的总体发展对于书写者来说也是一个历史理性的问题。乡村社会的从“中心”书写到“边地”书写这个过程绝不是一个简单的文学问题,更不是一个纯粹的书写方式或表现方法的问题,而是一个价值取向的转换的问题。 Compared with ancient Chinese literature,contemporary Chinese literature has more distinct characteristics of the subject matter of rural society.The attention or concern for rural society is ostensibly the embodiment of different literary expressions or different expressive arts,but it is a value position with political tendency that determines the root cause of these different expressions or expressive arts.Since the twentieth century,Chinese literature has basically gone through a process from“centralized”writing to“marginalized”writing in terms of writing on rural society,for Chinese society has undergone multiple transformations both in terms of political system and cultural concepts since the twentieth century.In the process of these“transformation”process,rural society plays a very different“role”,which is in fact the root cause of the process from“centralized”writing to“marginalized”writing.Different writing styles are bound to reflect different meanings,and further analysis of different meanings requires attention to two aspects.First,the importance of rural society is a kind of objective reality that does not depend on people’s will.Second,how to understand ru⁃ral society and how to understand the overall development of the whole society is also a question of historical rationality for the writer.The process from“centralized”writing to“marginalized”writing on rural society is not simply a literary issue,nor is it a matter of writing or expression,but rather a question of the transformation of values.
作者 段平山 DUAN Ping-shan(College of Literature and Journalism,Hanshan Normal University,Chaozhou,Guangdong,521041)
出处 《韩山师范学院学报》 2021年第2期32-41,共10页 Journal of Hanshan Normal University
关键词 乡村社会 现当代文学 “中心”书写 “边地”书写 rural society contemporary Chinese literature “centralized”writing “marginalized”writing
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