

Issues of Functional Relationship between the CLCS and Third-party Dispute Settlement Bodies and Recommendations for Settlement
摘要 大陆架界限委员会和第三方争端解决机构程序先后不明和职务范围界限不清的问题将随大陆架划界案和大陆架划界争端数量的增加而日益凸显。解决双方职务关系问题的思路在于建立双方的联系机制,通过增加委员会成员数量、区分委员会成员职能、增设大陆架界限领域专家的方式,打破双方关系的"隔绝"状态,并确立委员会请求机构协助处理法律问题的机制,最终建立互相引入机制以实现对大陆架界限问题的协调处理和统一意见。中国应主动承担起推动全球治理体系发展的角色。 The unidentification of procedure precedence and ambiguity of function scope between CLCS and third-party dispute settlement bodies have increasingly become prominent with the increase in the number of submissions on the limits of outer continental shelf and disputes over the delimitation of outer continental shelf.The methodologies of settling the issues lie in establishing the contact mechanism between CLCS and these bodies by increasing members of CLCS,distinguishing the functions of members of CLCS,increasing experts specializing in the field of limits of continental shelf so as to break the"isolated"state between CLCS and these bodies,establish a mechanism for the CLCS to resort to these bodies for the legal issues,and finally establish a mutual introduction mechanism to achieve the coordinated settlement and unified opinion on issues of limits of continental shelf.China should initiatively play a role in promoting the development of the global governance system.
作者 黄德明 黄哲东 Huang Deming;Huang Zhedong(School of Law,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China)
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期87-98,共12页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“提升中国参与极地治理体系的法律外交能力研究”(项目编号:18CGJ014)。
关键词 大陆架界限委员会 第三方争端解决机构 200海里外大陆架 职务关系 划界与定界 CLCS third-party dispute settlement bodies continental shelf beyond 200nautical miles functional relationship delimitation and delineation
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  • 1Legal Issues of the Outer Continental Shelf.ILA Report , Berlin Conference, 2004, o. 26, httD.. //www. ila- ha. orz/en/committees/index, cfm/cicL/33. 2013 -8 -8.
  • 2Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) , Judgment of 19 November 2012, I. C.J. Reports 2012, p. 43, para. 114.
  • 3Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) , Judgment of 19 November 2012, I. C.J. Reports 2012, pp. 43 -44, paras. 119 - 121.
  • 4Territorial and Maritime Dispute ( Nicaragua v. Colombia ) , Judgment of 19 November 2012, I. C.J. Reports 2012,.p. 44, para 122.
  • 5Territorial and Maritime Dispute between Nicaragua and Honduras in the Caribbean Sea ( Nicaragua v. Honduras), Judgment of 8 October 2007, I. C.J. Reports 2007, pp. 319,759.
  • 6Nicaragua v. Columbia, supra not, pp. 45 - 46, paras. 125 - 129.
  • 7See Territorial and Maritime Dispute (Nicaragua v. Colombia), Declaration of Judge Ad Hoc Mensah, p. 4.
  • 8Separate Opinion of Judge Donoghue, p. 6, para. 25. 9 3Id.
  • 9Separate Opinion of Judge Donoghue, p. 2, para. 2.
  • 10Supra note (8] , Separate Opinion of Judge Donoghue, pp. 1 -4, paras. 3 - 16.








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