

Documentary Value of Bi Yuan’s New Rectification of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers
摘要 作为明清时期《山海经》研究谱系中重要的考据类著作,毕沅的《山海经新校正》在借鉴和吸收晋代郭璞《山海经注》、明代杨慎《山海经补注》、王崇庆《山海经释义》以及清代吴任臣《山海经广注》等注解成果的基础上,纠正了很多前代《山海经》注家对山川水道注解的错误,并对一些未能确定的山川地理进行了解释和补充;毕沅在研读藏经本及地理方志的基础上,运用文字学、音韵学等知识对《山海经》经、传文字的讹误进行了校勘;除此之外,毕沅还对《山海经》古今本的篇目作了进一步的考订。毕沅《山海经新校正》对后世的《山海经》注解和研究产生了深远影响,具有重要的文献学价值。 As one of important works of textual research on the Classic of Mountains and Rivers in the Ming and Qing dynasties,Bi Yuan’s New Rectification of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers had learned and accepted the annotation achievements of the Annotation of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers by Guo Pu in Jin Dynasty,the Re-annotation of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers by Yang Shen in the Ming dynasty,the Interpretation of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers by Wang Chongqing and the Comprehensive Annotation of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers by Wu Renchen in the Qing dynasty.Based on these,Bi Yuan had rectified the incorrect annotations about mountains and rivers made by scholars of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers in previous dynasties,and had offered some interpretations and amendments about some previously uncertain mountains and rivers.Based on the study of treasure books and local geographic records,Bi Yuan had rectified the mistakes in classics and commentaries about the Classic of Mountains and Rivers with the help of philology and phonetics.In addition,Bi Yuan had also further rectified the catalogue of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers.Bi Yuan’s New Rectification of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers has left great influence the annotation and research of the Classic of Mountains and Rivers in later ages,and is of great documentary value.
作者 王兴芬 Wang Xingfen(School of Language and Literature,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第2期174-181,共8页 Journal of Northwest Minzu University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 2016年度国家社会科学基金一般项目“汉唐河陇地区的民间传说与文化研究”(项目编号:16BZW052)。
关键词 毕沅 《山海经新校正》 注解 校勘 考订 文献学价值 Bi Yuan New Proofreading the Classic of Mountains and Rivers annotate collate examine and correct documentary value
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