
千年历史的一朝终结:科举造就士人和士议倾覆科举 被引量:1

A Sudden Termination of a Thousand-year History:Scholar-officials Accomplished by the Imperial Examination System and the System Overturned by Scholar-officials’Criticisms
摘要 自隋唐之后的一千三百多年里,科举制度因“凭文而取”不能知人而久被非议;明清两朝的五百多年间,又因化四书为时文的八股取士而更多了一重“束缚天下之耳目聪明”的非议。然而以历史说由来,则“凭文而取”生成于纠选举之“相率为伪”的过程之中,立意在于维持公平;四书化为时文,是取士的同时又在借利禄之途以助成一世教化,立意在于纳天下人心于“义理之域”。两头的矛盾说明,其久被非议的弊端与其产生和存在的历史理由同出于一个源头,因此千年之间,科举制度的延续和非科举的论说便长久地共存于一个一个王朝的兴衰起落之间,成为一种恒定不变的历史现象。自19世纪中叶开始,中西交冲于西人的苦苦逼扼之下,而后是中国人为回应西人的逼来而审视西人,因审视西人而对比中西,因对比中西而变法图强。这个过程引来西人的“新学新艺”说富说强,直接冲击了中国的义理之学,其推论演绎又最终归咎于科举取士的不能应对世变。由此形成的是另一种非科举的理路,这种理路越出了此前一千多年里非议科举的旧道理,却能够与时势的危迫交相呼应而合为朝野共鸣,并匆迫地促成了兴学堂,停科举。当日的匆迫改变了一千三百多年的历史,又为后来的历史留下了种种矛盾。时人谓之“世事原随士议迁,眼前推倒三千年”。 In the over 1,300 years after the Sui and Tang dynasties,the imperial examination system was criticized and questioned for its failure to select talents merely according to the capacity of writing.In the more than 500 years during the Ming and Qing dynasties,it received one more criticism of“restricting the hearing and seeing of people under heaven”for it merely selected men who wrote good Eight-part essays based on the resources of The Four Books.However,as far as historical causes are concerned,the system of“selecting talents according to the capacity of writing”formed in the process of correcting the false practice of“cheating one after another”in the original system of recommendation so as to maintain justice,while writing Eight-part essays based on the resources of The Four Books was to conduct moral education by offering wealth and higher positions,aiming to contain people within“moral principles”.The contradiction of the system itself shows that the long-criticized drawbacks and the historical reasons why the imperial examination system came into being and existed were from the same source.Therefore,as a constant historical phenomenon,the continuation of the imperial examination system and its criticisms coexisted between the rising and declining of one dynasty after another in a thousand years.Since the mid-19th century,when the conflicts between China and the West broke out under the fierce pressure of the West,Chinese have examined the West in response to the pressure,compared the difference between China and the West and then strengthened China through reform.Western“new learnings and technologies”as well as the doctrine of prosperity introduced in this process shook traditional Chinese philosophy and resulted in the idea that the imperial examination system of selecting talents failed to response to the change of the world.Accordingly,a new kind of criticism of the imperial examination system formed,which went beyond the old doctrines that criticized the imperial examination system in the past thousand years but could correspond to the crisis at that time and became resonance in the court and the commonalty.It promoted the founding of schools and caused the abolishment of the imperial examination system hurriedly.The hasty change to the over 1,300-year history left various sequelae in the later history.There was a saying that“the scholar-officials’discussion changes the affairs of the times,which caused the 3,000-year history to overturn at the moment”.
作者 杨国强 YANG Guo-qiang
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期67-95,179,180,共31页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 科举制度 士人 士议 变法 学堂 imperial examination system scholar-official scholar-officials’criticism reform schools
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