
水肥一体化结合植物篱对减缓果园土壤氮磷地表径流流失的效果 被引量:13

Effect of Drip Fertigation Combined with Plant Hedgerows on Reducing Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loss by Soil Surface Runoff in Orchard
摘要 为了探究降低集约化果园氮、磷流失,减缓农业面源污染的技术措施。通过田间定位试验,比较分析了水肥一体化施肥方式结合田间植物篱对减少果园氮、磷地表径流流失影响,提升沟渠水质量的技术效果。结果表明:果园中构建植物篱提高了发生地表径流的最低日降雨量,减少了径流发生频次,地表径流水发生量比没有植物篱降低19.18%。与常规施肥相比,水肥一体化施肥全氮(TN)、全磷(TP)浓度分别降低31.23%和25.18%;植物篱处理TN、TP浓度分别降低16.74%和13.60%;水肥一体化+植物篱处理径流水中TN、TP浓度最低,分别比对照降低52.32%和43.89%。水肥一体化+植物篱处理TN、TP流失总量分别比对照降低45.38%和36.81%,该处理相对应的沟渠水中TN、TP浓度分别比对照降低23.98%和26.64%。在果园等集约化农田中推行水肥一体化灌溉施肥结合植物篱措施能够有效降低氮、磷径流流失,减缓农业面源污染物的排放,在实际应用中具有很大的推广应用价值。 In order to explore the technical measures to reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loss in intensive orchards and slow down agricultural non-point source pollution,this study compared and analyzed the effect of drip fertigation and plant hedgerows on reducing nitrogen and phosphorus loss in surface runoff and improving the water quality in field ditch based on field positioning experiments.The results showed that the plant hedgerows increased the minimum daily rainfall of surface runoff,and reduced the frequency of runoff.The amount of surface runoff was reduced by 19.18%compared with the treatment without plant hedgerows.Compared with CK treatment,the TN and TP concentrations in runoff water of the drip fertigation treatment decreased by 31.23%and 25.18%,respectively.The TN and TP concentrations in the plant hedgerows treatment decreased by 16.74%and 13.60%,respectively,and the TN and TP concentrations in the treatment of drip fertigation+plant hedgerows decreased by 52.32%and 43.89%than the CK treatment,which were the lowest in all treatments.The loss fluxes of TN and TP in the treatment of drip fertigation+plant hedgerows decrease by 45.38%and 36.81%,respectively,compared with the CK treatment.In the treatment of drip fertigation+plant hedgerows,the TN and TP concentrations in the ditch water decreased by 23.98%and 26.64%,respectively,compared with the CK treatment.These results indicated that the implementation of drip fertigation combined with plant hedgerows in intensive farmland such as orchards can effectively reduce nitrogen and phosphorus loss in runoff and slow down the discharge of agricultural non-point source pollutants,which has great prospects in practical applications.
作者 宋科 秦秦 郑宪清 孙丽娟 孙雅菲 吕卫光 薛永 SONG Ke;QIN Qin;ZHENG Xianqing;SUN Lijuan;SUN Yafei;L Weiguang;XUE Yong(Eco-environmental Protection Research Institute,Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Shanghai 201403;Shanghai Scientific Observation and Experimental Station for Agricultural Environment and Land Conservation,Shanghai 201403)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期83-89,共7页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2017ZX07205) 上海市“科技创新行动计划”国际科技合作领域项目(20390731200) 上海市农业科学院卓越团队计划项目(SPERT-2017A03)。
关键词 果园 水肥一体化 植物篱 地表径流 TN TP orchard drip fertigation plant hedgerow surface runoff TN TP
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