

A new pteranodontoid pterosaur forelimb from the upper Yixian Formation,with a revision of Yixianopterus jingangshanensis
摘要 热河生物群的翼龙都发现于义县组和九佛堂组。金刚山层位于义县组上部,已经报道的翼龙包括最早发现的两件翼龙胚胎,两件古翼手龙超科的标本,以及一件存疑的金刚山义县翼龙。对这一层位发现的一件前肢标本进行了描述,并确定其属于无齿翼龙超科。对现存于本溪地质博物馆的金刚山义县翼龙的正型标本进行了观察,并修订其鉴定特征。无齿翼龙超科成员具有独有的特征组合为:牙齿垂直于咬合面,呈三角形且唇舌向扁,前两对更长更细;第二翼指骨长度约为第一翼指骨的93%。在热河生物群中,古翼手龙超科的标本主要发现于义县组,而古神翼龙超科主要发现于九佛堂组。包括这件新标本和金刚山义县翼龙在内的无齿翼龙超科在九佛堂组发现的略多于义县组,这与之前认为的翼龙分布情况不同。 Pterosaurs in the Jehol Biota have been found in the Yixian and Jiufotang formations.The Jingangshan bedding is in the upper part of the Yixian Formation.The first two pterosaur embryos ever discovered in the world,two archaeopterodactyloid specimens,and the questionable Yixianopterus jingangshanensis have been reported in previous literature.Here,we describe a forelimb from this horizon and confirm its phylogenetic position in the Pteranodontoidea.The holotype of Y.jingangshanensis,now housed at Benxi Geological Museum,has been examined.The diagnosis of this taxon has been revised without the consideration of the artificial parts as following,a pteranodontoid pterosaur with a distinguished combination of characters:triangular and labiolingually compressed teeth with the first two more slender and longer than the others;teeth vertical to the occlusal surface;the second wing phalanx about 93%the length of the first wing phalanx.In the Jehol Biota,archaeopterodactyloid specimens have been mainly discovered from the Yixian Formation,while tapejaroids are almost found from the Jiufotang Formation.Including the new forelimb and Y.jingangshanensis,the pteranodontoids from the Jiufotang Formation are slightly greater in number than those from the Yixian Formation in species and specimens,differing from the previous thoughts on the distribution.
作者 蒋顺兴 张鑫俊 程心 汪筱林 JIANG Shun-Xing;ZHANG Xin-Jun;CHENG Xin;WANG Xiao-Lin(Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology,Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044,China;CAS Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment Beijing 100044,China;College of Earth and Planetary Sciences,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049,China;Laboratório de Paleontologia da URCA,Universidade Regional do Cariri Crato 63100-000,Brazil;College of Earth Sciences,Jilin University Changchun 130061,China)
出处 《古脊椎动物学报(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第2期81-94,共14页 Vertebrata Palasiatica
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(批准号:41602011)、中国科学院青年创新促进会(编号:2019075)、国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:41572020、42072017)和国家自然科学基金基础科学中心项目(批准号:41688103)资助。
关键词 辽西 早白垩世 热河生物群 金刚山层 无齿翼龙超科 义县翼龙 western Liaoning Early Cretaceous Jehol Biota Jingangshan bedding Pteranodontoidea Yixianopterus
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