
三明市牛羊布鲁氏菌病感染情况调查 被引量:3

The investigation of the infected cattle and goat with brucellosis from Sanming
摘要 为了解三明市牛羊布鲁氏菌病(布病)感染情况,对辖区开展牛羊布病基线调查,共采集辖区羊血清10874份、牛血清3076份,监测结果阳性24份,阳性率为0.17%。通过对结果的分析和流行病学调查,为进一步制定适合三明市牛羊布病防治策略提供基础数据。 In order to investigate the distribution of the cattle and goat infected by brucellosis,the baseline survey was made about the infected home stock with brucellosis within district.Serums were collected separately from 10874 cattle and 3076 goat.The result showed that 24 serums were positive,the positive rate was 0.17%.According to the result and the epidemic survey,the conclusion was made that all data obtained from this investigation can be used as the reference for the further prevention and control about this disease within the district.
作者 邱拥仁 金艳冬 刘素萍 Qiu Yongren;Jin Yandong;Liu Suping(Sanming Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center,Fujian365000)
出处 《福建畜牧兽医》 2021年第3期18-19,共2页 Fujian Journal of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary medicine
关键词 布鲁氏菌病 基线调查 Brucellosis Cattle Goat Baseline survey
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