
大众健身数量化发展取向的问题与改进——基于真善美视角的考察 被引量:4

Problems and improvement on quantitative development trend of mass fitness——Investigation from the perspective of truth, goodness and beauty
摘要 以真善美视角为切入点,对大众健身数量化发展取向的成因和问题进行剖析并提出建议。研究指出:先进科学技术的介入、社会量化思想的浸润以及竞技体育超越观念的延伸,是大众健身数量化发展取向的成因,虽在一定程度上有利于生理指标的统计、健身实践的操作并给人不断突破极限的动力,但同时也隐含诸多问题。真的层面,理想化的数量指标难以揭示身体机能发散式、立体性变化的规律,是还原思维对健身者生理机能的机械量化;善的层面,数量化将健身者的身体视为原料,并试图通过“抹除差异—标准统一—量化生产—技术绑定”的模式进行再造,是“微粒化”思想对人主体性的僭越;美的层面,在人们追求数量不断超越和技术工具持续放大身体能力的影响下,健身者极易突破适度训练的边界,是盲目追逐极限对本质力量的曲解。大众健身未来的发展取向,应当强调健身过程中数量与体验的结合、注重主体意识的塑造和深化身体审美的培养,在真善美层面形成认识自我、改造自我以及理性把握本质力量并通过其感知外部世界的能力。 From perspective of truth,goodness and beauty,this study analyzes the origin and problems of quantitative development trend of mass fitness and puts forward some suggestions.The results found that the origin of quantitative development of mass fitness may be that the intervention with advanced scientific technology,the penetration of social quantitative ideology,and the extension of progressive ideas with competitive sports,which may be in a degree beneficial to the statistics of physiological indicators,the operation of fitness practice,and the dynamics to continually break through the extreme for human beings,yet that may also contain many problems.For the truth layer,ideal quantitative indicators may not disclose the law of divergent and three-dimensional changes of body function,and this would be the mechanical quantification of reductive thinking to bodybuilders’physiological function.For the goodness layer,the quantification viewed the body of bodybuilders as materials and attempted to regenerate by mode of“erasing difference-unifying standard-producing quantitatively-binding technique”,which may be the violation of human’s subjectivity by the thought of“micronization”.For the beauty layer,under the influence of the pursuit of quantity by people to constantly transcend and technical tools continually expanding bodyfunction, the bodybuilders very easily to break the boundary of modest training, which may be the distortion ofessential strength for them blindly chase for the limit. The study suggests that the future development trend of massfitness has to stress the combination with quantify and experience in the course of fitness, pay attention to theshaping of subject consciousness and the cultivation to deepen body aesthetics, then forms the ability to recognizeand transform themselves, and rationally grasps the essential strength and through that to perceive the outside worldfrom the layer of truth, goodness and beauty.
作者 赵犇 相建华 熊文 ZHAO Ben;XIANG Jian-hua;XIONG Wen(School of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241,China;School of Physical Education,Shanxi University,Taiyuan 030006,China)
出处 《体育学刊》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期49-54,共6页 Journal of Physical Education
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(19ATY003)。
关键词 大众健身 数量化 真善美 主体意识 身体审美 mass fitness quantification truth,goodness and beauty subject consciousness physical aesthetics
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