
我国金融基础设施运营与监管存在的问题及政策建议 被引量:2

Problems and Policy Suggestions of Financial Infrastructure Operation and Regulation in China
摘要 金融基础设施稳健运行对于金融市场安全高效运转和风险防范具有重大影响。当前,我国金融基础设施在业务连续性、安全可控性、"单点失效"、结算、治理等运营层面存在一定的风险,在法治建设、监管统筹等管理层面滞后于行业发展速度。借鉴国际监管和监督经验,结合六类金融基础设施的主要职能和风险特点,我国不仅要加强对金融基础设施运营机构安全性、可靠性的监管,还要加快金融基础设施法治建设,厘清监管职责,加强金融基础设施统筹监管,构建多层次金融基础设施体系,防范金融基础设施可能带来的系统性风险,加大对金融基础设施运营和监管的国家审计监督。 The sound operation of financial infrastructure has a significant impact on the safe and efficient operation and risk prevention of financial markets.At present,China’s financial infrastructure has problems and risks in business continuity,security controllability,single point failure,settlement and governance.Legal construction and supervision coordination lag behind the pace of industry development.Drawing on the experience of international regulation and supervision,and combining the main functions and risk characteristics of the six types of financial infrastructure,China should not only strengthen the regulation of the safety and reliability of financial infrastructure institutions,but also speed up the legal construction of financial infrastructure,clarify the regulatory responsibilities,strengthen the integrated regulation of financial infrastructure,build a multi-level financial infrastructure system,guard against the possible systemic risks of financial infrastructure,and increase the national audit supervision of financial infrastructure operation and regulation.
作者 陈彦达 隋学深 王玉凤 Chen Yanda;Sui Xueshen;Wang Yufeng
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2021年第5期121-129,共9页 Enterprise Economy
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“区域性金融风险的螺旋效应与审计监督机制研究”(项目编号:20BJY032)。
关键词 金融基础设施 系统性风险 统筹监管 financial infrastructure systemic risk integrated regulation
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