

Effects of Growth,Forage Yield and Seed Yield of Two Legume Species Under Different Cultivation and Management Measures
摘要 以提那罗爪哇大豆和热研5号柱花草为试验材料,研究不同种植密度、底肥、氮素、灌水处理对2个牧草生长与饲草产量及种子产量的影响。结果表明:行距为100 cm时,牧草生长量和种子产量较高,而行距为50 cm时,2个牧草的草产量最高;磷肥水平为1000 kg/hm^(2)时,提那罗爪哇大豆生长量、分枝数、种子产量和草产量最高;磷肥水平为1000 kg/hm^(2)时,热研5号柱花草生长量、分枝数和草产量最高,磷肥水平为667 kg/hm^(2)时,其种子产量最高。与未追肥对比,每株追施3和6 g尿素,提那罗爪哇大豆蔓长、1级分枝和种子产量高于未追肥处理水平。每株追施6 g尿素,热研5号柱花草株高和种子产量高于未追肥处理;每株追施3 g尿素其株高、种子产量和草产量高于未追肥处理水平。与未灌溉处理对比,30 d灌溉1次的提那罗爪哇大豆主蔓长、1级分枝、草产量和种子产量较高;对于热研5号柱花草,30 d灌溉1次,其1级分枝、草产量和种子产量高于未灌溉处理;生殖生长期灌溉对提那罗爪哇大豆种子产量影响较大。柱花草和提那罗爪哇大豆种子和饲草生产中,合理的行距分别为100和50 cm,底肥施用量为667~1500 kg/hm^(2),每株追肥量为3~6 g尿素,30 d灌溉1次,严重干旱可15 d灌溉1次。本研究为区域提那罗爪哇大豆和柱花草生产提供理论依据。 Forage legume species Glycine wightii(Wight and Arn.)Verdcourt cv.Tinaroo and Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Reyan 5 were established to analyze the effects of treatments with different levels of planting density,basal fertilizer,nitrogen and irrigation on their forage growth and forage and seed yield.The results showed that the two species of legumes had a higher forage growth and seed yield when planted at a row spacing of 100 cm,and had the highest forage yield when planted at a row spacing of 50 cm.For G.wightii,the growth,the branch number,seed yield and forage yield were the highest in the treatment with calcium superphosphate fertilizer as basal fertilizer at a rate of 1000 kg·ha^(-1).For S.guianensis,the growth,branch number and forage yield were the highest in the treatment with phosphate fertilizer at a rate of 1000 kg·ha^(-1),but the seed yield was the highest in the treatment with calciumsuperphosphate fertilizer at a rate of 667 kg·ha^(-1).The treatment with urea as fertilizer for topdressing at a rate of 3 g and 6 g per plant increased the vine length,number of the first branch and seed yield of G.wightii as compared to the control without topdressing of urea.The plant height and seed yield of S.guianensis topdressed with urea at a rate of 3 g and 6 g urea per plant were higher than those of the control without topdressing of urea,and the forage yield of S.guianensis topdressed with urea at a rate of 3 g per plant was also higher than that of the control.The main vine length,number of the first branch,forage yield and seed yield of G.wightii were higher in the treatment with irrigation once every 30 days than in the treatment without irrigation,while the number of the first branches,forage yield,and seed yields of S.guianensis were higher in the treatment with irrigation once every 30 days than in the treatment without irrigation.Irrigation at the reproductive growth stage gave greater impact on the seed yield of G.wightii.It is concluded that S.guianensis and G.wightii produce higher seeds and forages when planted at a row spacing of 100 cm and 50 cm,respectively,applied with basal fertilizer(calcium superphosphate)at a rate of 667-1500 kg·ha^(-1),topdressed with urea at a rate 3-6 g per plant,and irrigated generally once every 30 days,or once every 15 days in severe drought.
作者 龙会英 曾丽萍 张德 LONG Huiying;ZENG Liping;ZHANG De(Tropical Eco-agriculture Research Institute,YAAS,Yuanmou,Yunnan 651300,China;Yuanmou Dry-Hot Valley Botanical Garden,Yuanmou,Yunnan 651300,China;Faculty of Science,Honghe University,Mengzi,Yunnan 661199,China)
出处 《热带农业科学》 2021年第4期1-6,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 云南省科学技术厅云南省技术创新人才培养项目(No.2011CI066) 云南省农业科学院热区生态农业研究所科技计划项目(No.RQS 2008-1) 彝乡产业技术领军人才项目[No.楚发改人事(2020)168号]。
关键词 栽培管理 提那罗爪哇大豆 热研5号柱花草 生长 饲草产量 种子产量 cultivation and management measures Glycine wightii(Wight and Arn.)Verdcourt cv.Tinaroo Stylosanthes guianensis cv.Reyan 5 growth forage yield seed yield
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