
民族地区技术缺口与创新发展 被引量:7

A Study of the Technological Inefficiencies and Innovation Development in Ethnic Minority Areas of China
摘要 创新是促动经济持续增长的永续动力。民族地区总体创新不足,既是经济发展水平不高的表现,也说明这些地区的经济增长主要依靠的是要素投入,经济发展尚处于要素驱动的阶段,而完全靠要素驱动的经济发展,受要素边际生产力递减和报酬递减的影响,是难以持续的。在经济全球化和技术革命的新时代,经济欠发达的民族地区追赶经济发达地区,追赶的引擎不再是“大烟囱式追赶”,而是创新追赶。文章在对民族地区技术缺口进行全面分析的基础上诊断出民族地区实现创新发展指数的制约因素。最后,利用“创新成功三角形”,提出了民族地区技术创新的路径选择,认为要维持民族地区经济持续增长,并追赶经济发达地区,必须加强创新投入,进一步优化创新结构,使创新成为经济发展的重要动力。 Innovation is a perpetual motion machine for sustainable economic development.The inadequate innovation in ethnic minority areas of China reveals a fairly low level of economic development and its dependence on the investment of key production factors for economic development.The economic development at this stage will not last long due to the impacts of the declining marginal productivity driven by production factors.In the era of economic globalization and technological revolution,the driving force for the underdeveloped ethnic minority areas to catch up with the economically developed areas is not a blind pursuit but an innovation-based pursuit.Through a comprehensive analysis of the technological inefficiencies in the underdeveloped ethnic minority areas of China,this paper reveals the restraint factors hindering the realization of a good innovation capacity index.It finally proposes an“innovation triangle for success”,and some approaches to technological innovation.It holds that the sustainable economic development in ethnic minority areas of China relies on more investment in innovation and the optimization of the innovation mechanism because innovation is a key driving force for economic development.
作者 郑长德 ZHENG Changde(School of Economics,Southwest Minzu University,Chengdu 610041,China)
出处 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期44-59,共16页 Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Humanities and Social Sciences Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“‘历史交汇期’有效缩小民族地区多维发展差距的理论与对策研究”(18AMZ001)。
关键词 民族地区 技术缺口 创新指数 创新发展 创新成功三角形 ethnic minority areas of China technological inefficiencies innovation index innovation development innovation triangle for success
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