

From Yellow Journalism to Muckraking Movement:The Rise of Investigative Reporting and Its Journalistic Change
摘要 黄色新闻是美国资本主义报业商业化和廉价报纸的产物。19世纪末20世纪初,《麦克卢尔杂志》《柯里尔》《世界主义者》《纽约时报》等报刊连载“揭丑者”记者揭露美国垄断资本主义社会丑闻的系列调查性报道,开启黑幕揭发运动。黑幕揭发运动顺应黄色新闻向客观报道过渡的新式新闻事业所倡导的报刊和报人服务于社会改革的号召,摈弃黄色新闻“耸人听闻”的调查性报道手法,从趣味性社会新闻转向针砭时弊的政论选题,从追求“轰动性”效果转向“人民斗士”与社会公器的报道诉求,基于客观新闻理念的调查性报道手段更臻完善和成熟,成为美国新闻采写的主要体裁。 The yellow journalism is brought up with the development of the penny press and the capitalism in America,which is characterized by two major approaches-sensationalism stories about crimes,celebrities,disas⁃ters,scandals and intrigue,and investigative journalism-news report that hunt out and expose corruption,particu⁃larly in business and government.In the end of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century,"McClure's Magazine,""Currier""Cosmopolitan","New York Times"and other newspapers published a series of investiga⁃tive reports of"exposure reporters"to expose the social scandals of monopoly capitalism in the United States,which launched the muckraking movement.The"exposure reporters"took the investigative reporting tools that originated in yellow journalism and responded to the call for newspapers to serve the social reforms advocated by the new journalism,which is a transition from yellow journalism to objective reporting.Besides,newspaper and journalists abandoned the"sensational"investigation of yellow journalism.The theme of writing has shifted from interesting social news to topical topics of political criticism,from the pursuit of"sensational"effects to the de⁃mands of"people fighters"and social public affairs.The investigative reporting method based on the objective news concept has become more mature,and has become the main genre of American news writing.
作者 宋海南 孙劝劝 SONG Hainan;SUN Quanquan(Guangdong Linversity of Foreign Studies,Guangzhou,510006,China;Xiamen Institute of Technology,Xiamen 361000,China)
出处 《安阳工学院学报》 2021年第3期87-91,共5页 Journal of Anyang Institute of Technology
关键词 黄色新闻 黑幕揭发运动 调查性新闻 报道理念 Yellow Journalism Muckraking Movement investigative reporting the journalistic change of investi⁃gative reporting concept
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