
“五水共治”措施对义乌江流域水污染负荷削减的定量分析 被引量:3

Study on the impact of the five water treatment action on water pollution load reduction in Yiwu River
摘要 通过分析2014—2018年义乌江流域地表水水质变化,评估了"五水共治"措施对义乌江流域水污染负荷削减的影响,核算了义乌市污水处理厂提标改造工程和退耕还林还草工程对点源和面源污染负荷的削减作用,对下阶段点源和面源污染负荷削减给出了建议。结果表明:义乌市"五水共治"措施干预下2014—2018年义乌江干流水质明显好转,COD、总磷的月均值均可稳定达到地表水Ⅲ类要求,氨氮的年均值也低于地表水Ⅲ类标准限值。与2014年相比,2018年义乌江流域的点源COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮污染负荷分别削减了1601.0、95.1、26.3和272.5 t·a^(-1),削减率分别为33.6%、59.9%、41.5%和14.3%;面源COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮的污染负荷分别削减了1998.5、148.0、367.1和33.7 t·a^(-1),削减率为12.23%。COD、氨氮和总磷的削减主要由点源污染控制措施贡献,总氮的削减主要由点源污染控制措施贡献。为推动义乌市水环境污染治理工作,建议审慎制定适宜当地情况的污水处理厂的出水水质要求,选择替代性低成本的生态处理模式;同时建议加强流域生态恢复工作,充分利用塘、潭、库、溪、河、湖等多种天然水体,构建以健康水生态为主线的流域蓝绿空间。 This study evaluated the change in water quality of the Yiwu River Basin from 2014 to 2018 and the impact of the five water treatment action on the pollutant load reduction,and calculated the effects of upgrading wastewater treatment plants and conversion of farmland to forest and grassland on the reduction of pollution load from point and non-point sources.Suggestions are given for the next stage of point source and non-point source pollution load reduction.Results show that the water quality of the main stream of Yiwu River improved significantly from 2014 to 2018.The monthly average concentration of COD and total phosphorus steadily reached ClassⅢof the environmental quality standard for surface water,and the annual average concentration of ammonia was also lower than the limit of ClassⅢ.Compared with the statistics in 2014,the point source loads of COD,ammonia nitrogen,total phosphorus and total nitrogen in 2018 were reduced by 1601.0,95.1,26.3 and 272.5 t·a^(-1),respectively,with reduction rates of 33.6%,59.9%,41.5%and 14.3%,respectively.The pollution loads of non-point source COD,ammonia nitrogen,total phosphorus and total nitrogen were reduced by 1998.5,148.0,367.1 and 33.7 t·a^(-1),respectively,with a reduction rate of 12.23%.The reduction of COD,ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus was mainly contributed by the point source pollution control measures,while the reduction of total nitrogen was mainly contributed by the point source pollution control measures.In order to promote water environmental pollution control in Yiwu,it is suggested that the effluent quality requirements of sewage treatment plants should be carefully formulated that are suitable for local conditions,and the alternative low-cost ecological treatment mode should be chosen.It is also suggested to strengthen the ecological restoration of the river basin,make full use of various natural water bodies such as ponds,pools,reservoirs,streams,rivers and lakes,and build a blue-green space of the river basin with healthy water ecology as the main line.
作者 王聪 杨凡 黄振华 郑效旭 张洪刚 王东升 白志辉 徐圣君 庄绪亮 WANG Cong;YANG Fan;HUANG Zhenhua;ZHENG Xiaoxu;ZHANG Honggang;WANG Dongsheng;BAI Zhihui;XU Shengjun;ZHUANG Xuliang(Reserch Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100085,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;Shenzhen Shenshui Water Resources Consulting Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518003,China;Yangtze River Delta Branch,Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Yiwu 322000,China)
出处 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1157-1166,共10页 Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering
基金 深圳市技术攻关项目(20191951108)。
关键词 五水共治 水污染负荷削减 污水处理厂提标改造 污染源管控 面源污染 five water treatment water pollutant load reduction sewage treatment plant upgrade pollution control non-point source pollution
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