
学术史视域下的《仪礼》经文文法研究 被引量:1

Grammar Study on The Propriety and Ceremony's Scriptures from the Perspective of Academic History
摘要 《仪礼》的经文文法与《春秋》的“属辞比事”类似,同篇则上下相照,异篇则彼此互文,叙述修辞之中自有尊卑、轻重、详略、隆杀、吉凶、决嫌之义。这是由其内容性质决定的。《仪礼》经文体现了文、事、义三者的完美结合。郑玄的《仪礼》礼义建构的路径之一就是全面建立起《仪礼》经文文法诠释系统。此一点为魏晋南北朝经学诠释所吸收。清末礼学大儒曹元弼继顾炎武、凌廷堪、章学诚、陈澧等人之后,明确提出《仪礼》“经文例”概念,为清代礼学研究做出最后推进。重新审视《仪礼》经文文法,不仅符合礼学研究的学理,而且也是对经学研究固有传统的维护和推进。 The Propriety and Ceremony's scriptures grammar likes the situation of the Spring and Autumn Annals,both the rhetoric of scriptures contains the meaning.That is determined by the nature of its content.The scriptures of the Propriety and Ceremony embodies the perfect combination of text,matter and righteousness.One of the ways to construct the Propriety and Ceremony’s meaning of etiquette from Zheng Xuan's explanation is to establish a comprehensive interpretation system of scriptural grammar.This system of interpretation is absorbed by classical interpretation in Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties.Cao Yuanbi,behind Gu Yanwu,Ling Tingkan,Zhang Xuecheng and Chen li,he put forward clearly the concept of"scriptural writing order"of the Propriety and Ceremony,and made the final advance of the study of rites in Qing Dynasty.To re-examine the grammar of the Propriety and Ceremony's scriptures is not only in line with the principles of the study of rites,but also to maintain and promote the inherent tradition of the study of scriptures.
作者 郭超颖 Guo Chaoying(School of Liberal Arts,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《东方论坛(青岛大学学报)》 2021年第3期136-145,共10页 Eastern Forum(JOURNAL OF QINGDAO UNIVERSITY)
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目“《仪礼》经文文例研究”(19YJC751006)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《仪礼》 《春秋》 经文文法 郑玄 经学 The Propriety and Ceremony The Spring and Autumn Annals scriptures grammar Zheng Xuan study of Confucian classics
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