
乡村振兴视角下空心村多维形态识别与分类治理——以山东省禹城市房寺镇为例 被引量:25

Multidimensional form identification and targeted governance of hollow villages from the rural revitalization perspective:Taking Fangsi Town of Yucheng City in Shangdong Province as an example
摘要 空心村是城镇化过程中乡村人地系统要素配置失衡的表现,严重阻碍了农村社会经济的发展,加快推进空心村治理是实现城乡一体化发展和乡村振兴的迫切需要。本文以平原农区空心化相对严重的山东省禹城市房寺镇为例,基于乡村振兴导向下的空心村形态认知,构建了"人口-土地-产业-组织-文化"多维空心村度量体系,利用指标贡献度、最小方差模型识别空心村主导因素和形态类型,并提出差别化的治理策略。研究发现:①房寺镇人口、土地、产业、组织、文化的单维度空心化均值分别为20.95、19.12、18.14、14.17和14.03,以人口、土地、产业空心化为主要特征的空心村数量超过半数;②房寺镇多维综合空心化均分值为58.98,空心化程度整体较高,并在空间上以"点-轴-面"的形式从镇中心地向镇域边界逐渐加剧;③房寺镇空心化主导因素集中在人口密度、宅基地空废率和经济结构3个方面,空心村类型以双形态和三形态复合型为主;④空心村及其治理以内外循环相互作用的方式对乡村振兴产生抑制和促进影响,未来应从多维度视角认识空心村形成与表现的复杂性,按照盘活土地资源、加大产业扶持、吸引人口回流、提升治理能力、加强文化建设等多元化路径开展空心村治理,以农村全要素协同优化推进乡村振兴。 The types of hollow villages are complex and diverse in the vast rural areas of China.This research examined the case of Fangsi Town, Yucheng City, Shandong Province in a plain area where rural hollowing is relatively severe. In this study, the measurement system of multidimensional forms of hollow village(population-land-industry-organization-culture) was established based on the understanding of the hollowing morphological representation theory, the third national land survey data, high-resolution remote sensing images, and field research. Indicator contribution and least square error(LSE) were utilized for identifying the dominant factors and morphological types of hollow villages. The results indicate that the hollowing degree of hollow villages of Fangsi Town is high, and it gradually intensifies from the town center to the periphery.Hollow villages account for a large proportion of all villages in Fangsi Town, and generate a large number of social issues, such as demographic challenge, land desolation, economic recession,governance system imperfection, and culture insufficiency. The results also reveal that population density, abandoned homesteads, and economic structure are the three main driving factors for the formation of hollow villages. Hollow villages and their governance in the form of interactions between internal and external circulations inhibition or promote rural revitalization. In the future,we should understand the complexity of formation and performance of hollow villages from the multidimensional perspective. Hollow village governance strategies should be based on policy support, land circulation, cooperative governance, and cultural construction, in order to realize rural revitalization.
作者 曲衍波 赵丽鋆 柴异凡 李砚芬 朱伟亚 平宗莉 QU Yanbo;ZHAO Lijun;CHAI Yifan;LI Yanfen;ZHU Weiya;PING Zongli(School of Public Administration and Policy,Shandong University of Finance and Economic,Jinan 250014,China;Jinan City Planning and Design Institute,Jinan 250101,China;Shandong Territorial and Spatial Planning Institute,Jinan 250014,China)
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期776-789,共14页 Resources Science
基金 山东省社会科学基金项目(17CGLJ17) 国家自然科学基金项目(42077434,41771560) 山东省高等学校“青年创新团队发展计划”项目(2019RWG016) 山东省国土空间规划院外协项目。
关键词 乡村振兴 空心村 多维形态识别 分类 治理 禹城市房寺镇 rural revitalization hollow villages multidimensional form identification classification governance Fangsi Town of Yucheng City
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