"创造力和同情心——我们的这两个核心价值从未像现在这般重要。""Our two core values of creativity and compassion have never been more relevant."2018年,一家拥有超过20年历史的英国品牌设计机构在其21周年庆上宣布,他们要换一个不寻常的新公司名——"Free The Birds"(放飞鸟儿)。这一很难让人联想到设计的名字,源自伟大的艺术家、设计师、发明家、时代标杆人物——达芬奇的一个温馨小故事:达芬奇对动物充满爱心,因为不忍心看到鸟儿被装在笼子里作为食物或宠物贩卖,所以他会定期去市场上购买这些鸟儿,然后将它们放飞。籍此温馨小故事取名,Free The Birds表达了其希望通过充分挖掘客户潜力、帮助品牌放飞自我、获得成功的愿景。
In 2018,an over-20-years-old branding design agency in the UK took the decision to rebrand itself as Free The Birds on its 21st anniversary.This quirky name was inspired by a lovely story of Leonardo Da Vinci-the great artist,desiagner,inventor,and icon:he had heart-felt love for animals,and he regularly bought caged birds-sold at the time for food or as pets-simply to setthem free.Through this lovely story,Free The Birds expresses its vision on unpicking and unleashing the clients'potential,giving brands wings and helping them succeed.
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