

Some Notes on the Kunyu Wanguo Quantu at the University of Minnesota
摘要 2018年中央电视台的一档《国家宝藏》电视节目让世界上第一幅中文世界地图走进了大众的视野。这幅名为《坤舆万国全图》的古地图因其珍贵而被西方誉为“不可能的黑色郁金香”。根据已知信息,这幅地图目前有多个藏本存世,也有一些关于版本和成图时间的争论。本文并不尝试去解决学术界的这些争论,而是旨在介绍1602年刻本《坤舆万国全图》来到美国明尼苏达大学的来龙去脉,并介绍与该图相关的一些信息,希望能对学者的相关研究,或是对此图感兴趣的普通读者,提供一些帮助。 The National Treasure,a popular cultural exploration television program aired on CCTV in 2018,introduced Kunyu Wanguo Quantu(Map of the Ten Thousand Countries of the Earth),to millions of Chinese audience.Nicknamed The Impossible Black Tulip,Kunyu Wanguo Quantu is the oldest extant map in Chinese to show the world.The map has several surviving editions and has generated a few scholarly debates,such as when the map was completed.Instead of seeking to resolve these arguments,this article introduces how the 1602 edition of the map came to the University of Minnesota,with the hope to provide additional sources of information to researchers and the general public.
作者 陈垚 Yao Chen
出处 《天禄论丛》 2019年第1期97-106,共10页 Journal of Society for Chinese Studies Librarians
关键词 《坤舆万国全图》 世界地图 利玛窦 李之藻 万历三十年(1602) 明尼苏达大学 Kunyu Wanguo Quantu World Map Matteo Ricci Li Zhizao The 30 th Year of Wanli(1602) University of Minnesota
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