
生物炭对萝卜幼苗生长及生理生化特性的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Biochar on Growth and Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Radish Seedlings
摘要 通过心里美萝卜(Raphanus sativus)盆栽试验研究不同浓度生物炭分别添加在纯土(J)和施加有机肥的土壤(S)中,有机肥与土壤按1∶5混合,形成不同配比后对萝卜在两叶一心时期的生长指标和生理生化指标进行测量比较。结果表明生物炭添加在施有机肥的土壤中比添加在纯土中的综合指标好,但与对照组比可看出生物炭添加在纯土中萝卜的增长幅度更高。添加生物炭浓度在10~20 g·kg^(-1)时较适宜,高浓度在一定程度上会抑制植株的生长发育。 A pot experiment of Raphanus sativus was conducted to study the effect of biochar with different concentrations on the growth and physiological and biochemical indexes of Raphanus sativus at the stages of two leaves and one heart.The results showed that the comprehensive index of biochar added in organic fertilizer soil was better than that in pure soil.Compared with the control group,the growth rate was higher.The suitable concentration of biochar was 10~20 g·kg^(-1),and the high concentration of biochar would inhibit the growth and development of plants to a certain extent.
作者 田丽 苏改艳 TIAN Li;SU Gaiyan(Yulin University,Yulin,Shaanxi 719000,China)
机构地区 榆林学院
出处 《陕西农业科学》 2021年第5期43-47,共5页 Shaanxi Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 陕西省科技厅农业攻关项目(2016NY—026)。
关键词 生物炭 萝卜 幼苗生长 生理生化特性 Biochar Radish seedling growth Physiological and biochemical characteristics
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