
化肥减量配施对燕山丘陵区春玉米生长发育及产量的影响 被引量:5

Effects of Chemical Fertilizer Reduction and Combined Application on Growth and Yield of Maize in Hilly Areas of Yanshan
摘要 针对燕山丘陵区长期过量施用化肥导致肥料利用率低的现状,研究了有机肥、缓控释尿素、秸秆还田和生物炭与化肥减量配施对玉米生长发育和产量的影响,探讨了化肥减量替代的可行性,旨在探索燕山丘陵区春玉米田化肥减量配施技术模式。试验采用随机区组设计的方法,以赤单218为试验材料,设置平衡施用化肥(NPK)、NPK基础上减氮20%(RN)、RN基础上有机肥替代总氮量的20%(RNOM)、RN基础上缓控释尿素替代总氮量的40%(RNCRU)、RN基础上秸秆全量还田(秸秆还田)和RN基础上生物炭基肥替代总氮量的20%(生物炭肥)共6个处理,研究燕山丘陵区化肥减量配施对春玉米生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,减氮配施可以增加玉米产量、玉米叶面积指数和地上部干物质量,对穗粗、穗长、行粒数和千粒重也有积极的影响。减氮配施有机肥条件下,玉米产量最高,相应的产量构成因素穗粗、穗长、行粒数和千粒重也最高,。其次是减氮配施缓控释尿素处理,而秸秆还田和生物炭肥配施处理的表现却并不突出,综合考虑作物产量与环境保护等因素,在春玉米生产中减少氮肥用量、施用有机肥和缓控释尿素可以保证产量,同时还能减少农业面源污染,值得在生产中大力推广。 To aim at low fertilizer utilization which is caused by the long-term excessive application of chemical fertilizers in the hilly area of Yanshan,the effect of organic fertilizer,slow and controlled release urea,straw return to soil,biological carbon fertilizer and the combined application of chemical fertilizers reduction on maize growth and yield was studied and the feasibility of chemical fertilizer reduction substitution was discussed.The purpose is to explore the technical model of chemical fertilizer reduction in spring maize fields in Yanshan hilly area.Chidan 218 was taken as the test material and the method of random block design was used in this experiment,a total of 6 treatments,including the balanced application of chemical fertilizers(NPK),20%nitrogen reduction(RN)based on NPK,20%of total nitrogen replaced by organic fertilizer based on RN(RN+OM),40%of the total nitrogen(RN+CRU)replaced by slow and controlled release urea based on RN,return of full straw to the field on the basis of RN(straw return to field)and 20%of the total nitrogen(biological carbon fertilizer)replaced by biological carbon based on RN,were set to study the effect of reduced chemical fertilizer application on the growth and yield of spring maize in Yanshan hilly area.The results showed that combination of application with reduced nitrogen could increase maize yield,leaf area index and dry matter quality above the ground,and also had a positive effect on ear thickness,ear length,number of rows and 1000-grain weight.Under the condition of reducing nitrogen and application of organic fertilizer,the yield of maize was the highest,and the corresponding yield components,ear thickness,ear length,number of rows and 1000-grain weight were also the highest;Under the treatment of nitrogen reduction combined with slow and controlled release urea,the performances of straw return to field and biological carbon fertilizer were not the best.Taking into account the factors such as crop yield and environmental protection,reducing the amount and application of nitrogen fertilizer in spring maize production,organic fertilizer and slow and controlled release urea could keep the yield,at the same time,it also can reduce agricultural non-point source pollution,which is worthy extending in maize production.
作者 边丽梅 董喆 郑伟 张丽妍 张昊 郝春雷 慈艳华 杜江洪 孟繁盛 BIAN Limei;DONG Zhe;ZHENG Wei;ZHANG Liyan;ZHANG Hao;HAO Chunlei;CI Yanhua;DU Jianghong;MENG Fansheng(Chifeng Academy of Agricultural and Animal Husbandry Sciences,Chifeng,Inner Mongolia 024031,China)
出处 《陕西农业科学》 2021年第4期7-11,共5页 Shaanxi Journal of Agricultural Sciences
基金 内蒙古自治区科技重大专项农牧交错区农田污染防污与可持续利用关键技术研究与示范(2019ZD009) 财政部和农业农村部:国家现代农业产业技术体系支助。
关键词 玉米 化肥减量 配施 产量 干物质 叶面积 Maize Fertilizer reduction Combined application Yield Dry matter Leaf area
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