
涪陵页岩气生产安全管理工作探讨 被引量:1

On Safety Management of Fuling Shale Gas Production
摘要 为了强化页岩气开采安全管理工作,采油气工程技术服务中心采气项目组根据页岩气生产中集输管线腐蚀穿孔、出砂井管线穿孔、现场交叉作业等给安全生产带来的风险,狠抓安全管理,通过细化风险排查措施,强化直接作业环节的管理、现场交叉作业管理及设备管理等,确保所辖范围内的生产建设安全无事故,为相关单位的安全生产管理提供借鉴。 In order to strengthen the safety management of shale gas production,the gas production project team of the oil and gas production technology service center,according to the risks brought to the safe production by the pipeline corrosion failures-pipeline piercing in the wells with sanding and cross operations on site in the shale gas production,paid close attention to the safety management,and stepped up the control of the direct operation link,the cross operations on site and the equipment and others by subdivision of risk detection,so as to ensure the safety management within its production domain and provide useful reference for the safety management of companies concerned.
作者 陈铭 CHEN Ming(Oil and Gas Production Technology Service Center of Jianghan Oilfield Company,Sinopec,Qianjiang,Hubei,433123,China)
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2021年第2期105-106,共2页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
关键词 涪陵 页岩气生产 安全管理 隐患排查 Fuling Shale Gas Production Safety Management Hidden Danger Detection
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