
全球保护地管理研究现状与趋势——基于文献计量分析 被引量:4

Status and Trends of Global Protected Area Management--Based on Bibliometric Analysis
摘要 建立保护地是生物多样性保护的重要途径,保护地管理也成为全球生态和环境研究领域的焦点。文章基于"Web of Science核心合集"数据库,检索得到1990-2020年间与保护地管理相关论文1083篇并进行可视化分析,主要内容有文献基本特征、研究能力、知识基础与研究热点等。结果表明:(1)保护地管理领域的论文数量和被引频次呈上升趋势,保护地管理具有重要的研究价值。环境科学与生态学是该领域研究的主流学科,《海洋与海岸管理》是发文量最高的期刊,《生物保护》是最具影响力的期刊;(2)不同国家或机构在保护地管理领域的研究实力有所差异,美国发表的论文数量最多且具有较高学术水平,其研究强度和学术影响力也有较大优势,澳大利亚昆士兰大学是该领域的重点研究机构;最知名的作者Hockings也来自澳大利亚;(3)在保护地管理领域,具有高被引频次和高中介中心性的10篇论文发挥了关键的演变和推动作用,对后续研究产生了深刻影响;(4)关键词聚类分析表明,保护地管理领域热点问题主要围绕共同管理、生物多样性保护、种群、森林、海洋保护等方面展开;(5)关键词爆发分析表明,保护地管理领域的前沿问题主要有生态系统服务功能、保护地治理机制及效果、共同管理影响评估、保护绩效指标构建与评价和保护地管理挑战探究等。最后,探讨了全球保护地管理研究对于中国的参考与借鉴。 Protected area is an important way to protect biodiversity,and protected area management is the focus of the global ecological and environmental field.Based on the Web of Science Core Collection databases from 1990 to 2020,this paper retrieved 1083 articles related to protected area management and made visualization analysis,mainly covering the basic characteristics,research power,intellectual base and research hotspots.The result showed that:(1)The number of articles and citation frequency in protected area management research are on the rise and the research in this field has great value.Environmental Science and Ecology are the most popular subject categories,Marine and Coastal Management is the most productive journal,and Biological Conservation is the most influential journal.(2)Different countries or institutions have different research capabilities in the field of protected land management.The United States is strong in scientific research,with the largest number of published articles which has a high academic level.And it is above the global average for research intensity and academic influence for most of its years.University of Queensland in Australia is a leading research institution in this field.The best-known author Hockings,is also from Australia.(3)Ten articles with high citation frequency and high intermediate centrality have played a key role in the evolution and promotion in this field and has had a profound impact for future research.(4)The cluster analysis of key words show that the hot issues in the domain of protected area management mainly focused on co-management,biodiversity conservation,population,forest and marine conservation.(5)Keyword bursts analysis show that,the cutting-edge issues of protected area management include protected area ecosystem service function,governance mechanism and effect,co-management impact assessment,conservation performance index construction and evaluation and management challenges.Finally,it discussed the reference of global protected area management research to China.
作者 张婷婷 何丹 封硕 陈珂 ZHANG Tingting;HE Dan;FENG Shuo;CHEN Ke(College of Economics and Management,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866;College of Applied Technology,Shenyang University,Shenyang 110044)
出处 《林业经济》 北大核心 2021年第2期35-59,共25页 Forestry Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“自然保护区集体林地用途管制对周边农户福利的影响与生态补偿制度研究”(编号:20BGL173) 辽宁省社会科学规划基金重点项目“碳均衡视角下森林旅游景区承载力测度与减排路径选择”(编号:L18AGL002)。
关键词 文献计量分析 CITESPACE 保护地管理 保护地 国家公园 bibliometric analysis CiteSpace protected area management protected area National Park
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