

Discussion on the Historical Origin and Practical Significance of the Double Support Work
摘要 双拥工作具有深刻的历史渊源:大革命时期我党宣传群众的具体做法为双拥工作产生播下了种子;土地革命时期各根据地扩红和优待红军家属等活动为双拥工作产生积累了经验;抗日战争时期军民一致原则的提出、军民矛盾的增加、战争形势的愈发严峻为双拥工作产生提供了思想基础和现实需求;解放战争和抗美援朝时期人民群众拥军支前爆发的惊天伟力为双拥工作的继续存在提供了强有力的支撑。四大因素决定了双拥工作在我国产生的独特性和唯一性。双拥工作在革命战争年代发挥了巨大作用,今天的中国已经进入新时代,中国共产党成立100周年之际,在全面建设社会主义现代化强国的大道上,双拥工作地位重大、价值非凡。 The work of Double Support has a profound historical origin.During the Great Revolution,our party’s concrete practice of propagating the masses laid the seeds for the work of Double Support;During the Agrarian Revolution,activities such as expanding the Red Army and giving preferential treatment to the families of the Red Army in various base areas accumulated practical experience for the production of the double support work;During the War of Resistance against Japan,the principle of military-civilian unity,the increase of military-civilian contradictions and the increasingly severe war situation provided the ideological basis and practical needs for the emergence of the double support work;During the War of Liberation and the War to Resist U.S.Aggression and Aid Korea,the great strength of the war broke out in unison between the army and the people provided unparalleled evidence for the continuous existence of the double support work.Four factors determine the originality and uniqueness of the double support work in China.The work of Double Support has played a great role in the revolutionary years.Today,China has entered a new era,and the Communist Party of China is about to celebrate its 100th anniversary.On the road of building a socialist modern and powerful country in an all-round way,Double Support plays an important role and is of great significance.
作者 周益锋 ZHOU Yifeng(Politics Institute,China People’s Liberation Army National Defence University,shanghai 201602,China)
出处 《渭南师范学院学报》 2021年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of Weinan Normal University
关键词 双拥 军民一致 军民融合 Double Support army and people united civil-military integration
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