目前,生态系统服务评估研究多集中于对服务供给的量化和供给能力的退化风险评估,针对生态系统服务供需平衡及供需风险的研究仍较薄弱。厘清生态系统服务的供需数量关系、空间匹配特征与供需风险时空演变,对流域生态系统的管理和资源的有效配置具有重要意义。本文以甘肃白龙江流域为例,基于InVEST模型、ArcGIS和GeoDa等软件,构建了流域生态系统服务供需风险研究框架,评估土壤保持服务的供需特征,揭示了土壤保持供需风险时空变化特征。结果表明:(1) 1990—2016年甘肃白龙江流域土壤保持服务供需时空格局差异明显,流域土壤保持总供给量呈现先减后增的趋势,由1990年的8.79×108t减少到2002年的7.74×108t,后增加到2016年的9.11×108t。总需求量表现为递减趋势,由1990年的7.06×108t持续减少到2016年的5.69×108t。但局部地区有风险加剧的态势。(2)在供需空间匹配上,迭部北部山区、武都及文县的部分区域供需比值小于0,表现为供不应求,其他地区基本保持平衡,流域土壤保持服务主要空间匹配类型为高高型和低低型。(3)在供需风险方面,流域土壤保持服务供需风险等级以脆弱(Ⅴ)和安全(Ⅵ)低风险为主,分别占流域总面积的21%和64%;中风险(Ⅳ和Ⅲ)区域占15%,无高风险(Ⅱ和Ⅰ)区域。相比1990—2002年,2002—2016年流域生态环境有所改善,供需风险水平降低,高风险区域占比由8%降为0。研究结果可为生态系统服务风险评估研究与管理应用提供理论支撑。
Compared with the quantification of service supply and the degradation risk assessment of supply capacity,research on the balance of supply and demand of ecosystem services and the risk of supply and demand is relatively weak.It is important to clarify the relationship between supply and demand of ecosystem services,spatial matching and the temporal and spatial evolution of supply and demand risks for the management of watershed ecosystem and the effective allocation of resources.With Bailongjiang watershed in Gansu Province as an example,based on InVEST model,ArcGIS and GeoDa,we evaluated the supply and demand of soil conservation services,and revealed the temporal and spatial change characteristics of supply and demand risks under the research framework of supply and demand risks of ecosystem services at the basin scale.The results showed that:(1) From 1990 to 2016,the spatiotemporal variations of soil conservation service supply and demand in Bailongjiang watershed were significantly different.The total supply of soil conservation services in the basin showed a trend of decreasing first and then increasing.It decreased from 8.79×108 t in 1990 to 7.74 ×108 t in 2002,and then increased to 2016.The total demand showed a decreasing trend,from 7.06 × 108 t in 1990 to 5.69 × 108 t in 2016.However,there was a trend of increasing risk in some areas.(2) In terms of spatial matching of supply and demand,the supply-demand ratio was less than 0 in some areas of the northern mountainous Diebu,Wudu,and Wenxian,indicating that the supply exceeded demand.Other areas basically maintained a balance.The main spatial matching types of watershed soil conservation services were high-high and low-low types.(3) In the aspect of supply and demand risk,the risk levels of supply and demand of soil conservation services in the basin were mainly fragile(Ⅴ)and safe(Ⅵ) low risk,accounting for 21% and 64% of the total area of the basin respectively.The medium risk(Ⅳ and Ⅲ) areas accounted for 15%.There was no high risk area(Ⅱ and Ⅰ).The ecological environment of the river basin in 2002-2016 was better than that in 1990-2002,with the level of supply and demand risk being reduced.The proportion of high-risk areas had been reduced from 8% to 0.Our results would provide theoretical support for the research and management of ecosystem service risk assessment.
XU Cai-xian;GONG Jie;YAN Ling-ling;GAO Bing-li;LI Yan(College of Earth and Enuironmental Sciences/Key Laboratory of Western China's Environmental Systems(Ministry of Education),Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China)
Chinese Journal of Ecology
ecosystem services
soil conservation
spatiotemporal pattern
supply and demand risk