

Study on the Relationship between the Growth of Jacaranda mimosifolia and Soil Nutrients
摘要 为了解土壤养分对蓝花楹生长的影响,利用主成分回归方法,研究广东省遂溪县2个试验地20个样地的6种土壤养分与蓝花楹生长的相关性。结果表明:蓝花楹样地土壤养分中,土壤有机质、土壤全氮、碱解氮、有效铁含量分别为12.43~39.69 g·kg^(-1)、0.37~1.95 g·kg^(-1)、52.56~180.27 mg·kg^(-1)和30.51~64.06 mg·kg^(-1),其变幅较大;速效钾和交换性钙的含量分别为51.75~74.83 mg·kg^(-1)、113.11~178.27 mg·kg^(-1),其变幅较小;变异系数范围为12.63%~55.27%,均为中等变异;蓝花楹的生物量、平均胸径、平均树高变异系数分别是59.54%、52.68%、35.83%,均为中等变异。从土壤养分对蓝花楹生长的相关系数看,有机质、全氮、碱解氮与生物量、平均树高为极显著正相关,平均胸径为显著正相关;且养分间有机质与全氮、碱解氮极显著正相关,速效钾与有机质、全氮、碱解氮为显著正相关。主成分分析表明有机质、全氮、碱解氮对蓝花楹生长均有影响,且有机质对蓝花楹生长影响较大且略大于全氮。 In order to comprehend the effect of soil nutrients on the growth of Jacaranda mimosifolia,principal component regression and correlations were used to examine relationships between 6 soil nutrients and the growth of Jacaranda in 20 plots of two experimental plots in Suixi County,Guangdong Province.The results showed that the contents of soil organic matter nitrogen,available nitrogen,alkaline hydrolysis nitrogen and available iron in the sample plots were 12.43~39.69 g·kg^(-1),0.37~1.95 g·kg^(-1),52.56~180.27 mg·kg^(-1) and 30.51~64.06 mg·kg^(-1) respectively,and that the amplitude of variation of these nutrients was large;The contents of available potassium and exchangeable calcium were 51.75~74.83 mg·kg^(-1) and 113.11~178.27 mg·kg^(-1) respectively,and these two nutrients showed a low amplitude of variation with variation coefficients ranging from 12.63%to 55.27%.The variation coefficients of biomass,DBH and height were 59.54%,52.68%and 35.83%respectively,which were all moderate.From the perspective of the correlation coefficients of soil nutrients on the growth of Jacaranda,organic matter,total nitrogen,and alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen are extremely significantly positively correlated with biomass and average tree height,and average diameter at breast height is significantly positively correlated;and organic matter among nutrients is related to total nitrogen and alkalinity.Nitrogen solution is extremely significantly positively correlated,and available potassium is significantly positively correlated with organic matter,total nitrogen,and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen.Principal component analysis showed that organic matter,total nitrogen and alkali-hydro nitrogen all affected the growth of Jacaranda,while soil organic matter content had greater effect on its growth,and the effect of total soil nitrogen was slightly greater than total nitrogen.
作者 李小梅 刘学锋 黄敏 张沛健 张国武 LI Xiaomei;LIU Xuefeng;HUANG Min;ZHANG Peijian;ZHANG Guowu(Zhanjiang University of Science and Technology,Zhanjiang 524000,Guangdong,China;China Eucalypt Research Centre,Zhanjiang 524022,Guangdong,China)
出处 《桉树科技》 2021年第2期53-57,共5页 Eucalypt Science & Technology
基金 中央级公益科研院所专项资金项目“蓝花楹种质资源保存评价及其遗传多样性研究”(CAFYBB2019MB004) 广东省林业科技创新专项资金项目“全国蓝花楹种质资源测定与保存评价技术研究”(2018KJCX024)。
关键词 蓝花楹 土壤养分 相关性 Jacaranda mimosifolia soil nutrients correlation
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