

On Assessing Second Language Learners’ Critical Reading Thinking Disposition
摘要 学习者在二语学习时,批评性思维能力是学习的基本五项技能之一,同时也是二语学习者应掌握的重要思维思考方式。大学是人才培养的主要矩阵,现阶段我国大学生普遍的二语学习以英语为主,大学英语教学则通过不断创新,加强对学生的英语技能培养。大学英语教学在教育改革发展中,对于学生的批评性识读思维能力培养较为欠缺,学生的批评性识读思维发展相对较为缓慢。以批评性识读思维为概述研究基点,分析二语学习与批评性识读思维间的关系,并提出新时期大学英语教学对学生的批评性识读思维培养。 Critical thinking ability is one of the fi ve basic skills in second language learning,and an important way of thinking for second language learners.The university is the main place of talent cultivation.At present,English is the most commonly learnt second language for Chinese college students.College English teaching should strengthen the cultivation of students’English skills through consistent innovation.In the reform and development of college English teaching,there is a defi ciency in cultivate students’critical reading thinking,which leads to their not well-developed critical reading ability.To this end,this paper analyzes the relationship between second language learning and critical reading thinking,and proposes ways of cultivating college students’ability of critical reading thinking in English teaching in the new era.
作者 薛筌月 Xue Quanyue(Guang Dong Peizheng College,Guangzhou 510830,China)
机构地区 广东培正学院
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2021年第5期144-146,共3页 Journal of Heihe University
基金 广东省大学英语教学改革一般项目“大学英语综合实训课程”(YDY-2019-17) 广东省教育厅“新时代背景下应用型地方院校大学英语教学改革实践与探究”(粤教高函〔2018〕180-629)。
关键词 二语学习 英语教学 批评性识读思维 教育评估 second language learning English teaching critical literacy thinking educational assessment
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