
全面抗战初期中国共产党对自贡工人运动的引领--以1939年富荣场盐工“反拉壮丁”大罢工为线索 被引量:2

The Chinese Communist Party’s Leading of the Zigong Workers’ Movement in the Early Period of the All-round Anti-Japanese War --Take the “Anti-forcible Conscription”Strike by the Salt Workers of Fu Rong Saltworks in 1939 as a Clue
摘要 全面抗战初期,中国共产党重回自贡恢复组织,开展地下活动,团结大后方民众抗日救亡。战时的自贡井灶林立,工人麇集,艰辛的工作与微薄的收入令劳资关系格外紧张,"生活最低,忍耐最高"的盐业工人成为中国共产党领导工人运动的重要参与者。1939年8月,自贡市政筹备处无视"盐工缓役"政策,纵容下属强拉壮丁,酿成枪杀工人的血案,令富荣盐场十帮工人宣布总罢工。在姚泰安、吴松樵等中共党员的出色引领下,国民党当局最终接受了工人"惩凶、安葬、抚恤、医药、保障"五大诉求。面对国民党以"教养"为经、以"管控"为纬、以"增产加运"为依归的工运策略,正视工人价值、保护工人权益的中国共产党决定潜入合法工会,动员广大盐工在经济斗争中体悟自己的历史使命,并利用自贡国民党当局的分崩离析,为工人运动的顺畅开展创设条件。 In the early days of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Communist Party of China returned to Zigong to resume its organization and carried out underground activities to unite the people in the rear to resist Japan and save the nation. During the war, Zigong was full of well stoves and workers. The hard work and meager income made labor-management relations particularly tense. The salt workers became important participants in the CCP’s labor movement. In August 1939, the Zigong City Preparatory Office ignored the "salt workers’ reprieve policy"and condoned subordinates who grab the salt workers for military service, which lead to a bloody murder of the workers. The ten worker’s unions of the Furong Saltworks declared a general strike. Under the excellent leadership of CCP members such as Yao Tai’an and Wu Songqiao, the KMT authorities finally accepted the five major demands of workers for "punishing the culprit, burial, pension, medicine and security". In the face of the Kuomintang’s labor movement strategy of "education" "management and control"and "increasing production and transportation" as its foundation, the Communist Party of China, which faces up to the value of workers and protects workers’ rights and interests, decided to sneak into legal trade unions and mobilize the majority of salt workers. In the course of economic struggle, the Communist Party of China realized its historical mission and used the disintegration of the Zigong authorities to create conditions for the smooth implementation of the labor movement.
作者 翟彦浩 ZHAI Yanhao
出处 《盐业史研究》 2021年第2期22-32,共11页 Salt Industry History Research
关键词 工人运动 自贡盐工 中国共产党 全面抗战初期 labor movement salt workers in Zigong the Communist Party of China the beginning of the all-round Anti-Japanese War
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