

The Great Cause of a Century and theCommunist Party of China in Progress——Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of theCommunist Party of China(Ⅱ)
摘要 中国共产党百年奋斗,带领全党和全国人民,谱写了可歌可泣的灿烂篇章,创造了感天动地的辉煌成就。这些成就,在道路上体现为三大开创,实现了中国人民从站起来到富起来、强起来的伟大飞跃。在政治上,建立和巩固了人民民主专政的国家政权,实现和巩固了国家统一和各民族的空前团结。在经济上,建立了独立和比较完整的国民经济体系。在文化、社会、军队、外交等各个方面,事业蓬勃发展,生活日益丰富,社会安定祥和,人民军队忠于党,国防坚强巩固,和平外交政策独立自主,中国特色大国外交和党际交往为世界和平与发展的崇高事业作出了重大贡献。中国共产党百年奋斗中形成八大历史特点:一是用先进理论武装起来的,有着坚定政治信仰、崇高理想的马克思主义政党。二是善于把马克思主义基本原理与中国实际相结合,并在新的时代条件下不断把马克思主义中国化的先进政党。三是始终以人民为中心,为人民的利益和幸福而奋斗不止且甘愿牺牲奉献的无私无畏的政党。四是重视学习、善于学习,并注重在实践中培养各类不同人才,逐步成为了马克思主义的学习型政党。五是敢于面对挫折甚至失败,善于总结历史经验,勇于坚持真理、修正错误,有顽强生命力的政党。六是善于广交天下朋友,有广阔博大胸怀,愿与国内外一切主张正义的人士和力量,推进世界和人类进步的政党。七是敢于斗争、善于斗争,不畏任何艰难险阻、不怕任何强敌挑战,创造了众多人间奇迹的政党。八是高度注重自身建设,有着高度忧患意识和进取之心,努力保持先进性和纯洁性的政党。我们要从四大方面更加清醒自觉地认识前进中的中国共产党:一要更加清醒地认识我们已经取得的伟大成就,更加自觉地保持谦虚谨慎、戒骄戒躁的精神状态。二要更加清醒地认识党执政环境的复杂性,更加自觉地应对我们面临的考验和危险。三要更加清醒地认识自我革命的重要意义,更加自觉地实现执政党自身治理体系和治理能力的现代化。四要更加清醒地认识我们党光明灿烂的前景,更加自觉地为我们的崇高理想而奋斗。 The Communist Party of China(CPC)has been striving for a hundred years,leading the whole Party and the Chinese people to make tremendous achievements.These achievements are embodied in the“three major innovations”in terms of the path,realizing the great leap of the Chinese people from standing up to becoming rich and strong.Politically,it has established and consolidated the state power of the people’s democratic dictatorship,realized and consolidated the national unity and the unprecedented unity of all nationalities.Economically,it has established an independent and relatively complete national economic system.Meanwhile,the cultural,social,military,diplomatic and other aspects have also developed greatly.The CPC has formed eight historical characteristics in its centennial endeavors:First,the CPC is a Marxist party armed with advanced theories,with firm political beliefs and lofty ideals.Second,it is an advanced political party that is good at combining the basic principles of Marxism with China’s reality and constantly adapting Marxism to China in the new era.Third,it is a selfless and fearless political party that always takes the people as the center,strives for the interests and happiness of the people and is willing to sacrifice.Fourth,it highly values learning,paying due attention to training all kinds of talents in practice,and gradually becomes a Marxist learning party.Fifth,it dares to face its own setbacks or even failures and to sum up historical experience,having the courage to adhere to the truth and correct mistakes with tenacious vitality.Sixth,it is a political party that is good at making friends all over the world,willing to work with all the people and forces at home and abroad who advocate justice to promote the progress of the world and mankind.Seventh,it is a political party that dares to struggle,is good at struggle,not afraid of any difficulties and obstacles as well as challenges from strong enemies,and has created many miracles in the world.Eighth,it attaches great importance to self-development with a high sense of suffering and enterprising spirit to maintain the advanced nature and purity of the party.Therefore,we should have a clearer understanding of the CPC in progress from the following four aspects:First,we should have a comprehensive understanding of the great achievements we have made,in order to maintain a modest and prudent mental state more consciously.Second,we should be more aware of the complexity of the party’s ruling environment,and more consciously deal with the challenges and dangers we are facing.Third,we should be more aware of the significance of self-revolution,and more consciously modernize the ruling party’s own governance system and governance ability.Fourth,we must have a picture of the bright future of our party and strive more consciously for our lofty ideals.
作者 李保忠 LI Bao-zhong(School of Marxism,Northwest University of Political Science and Law,Xi’an 710199,China)
出处 《山东行政学院学报》 2021年第3期1-10,共10页 Journal of Shandong Academy of Governance
关键词 百年大党 百年伟业 伟大飞跃 辉煌成就 更加清醒 更加自觉 centennial great party centennial great cause great leap brilliant achievements more clear-mindedness more consciousness
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