

A Historical Review of the Construction of The BPL/BPM Time Service Systems
摘要 长短波授时系统(BPL/BPM)隶属于中国科学院国家授时中心,是我国第一批国家重大科技基础设施之一,自20世纪70年代开始就承担着我国标准时间、标准频率的发播任务,满足了国家经济发展、国防建设和国家安全保障的需求。基于现场访谈和档案材料,参考出版物及公开报道,就长短波授时系统的发展历程进行了详细的历史描述。首先,回顾了授时系统的立项背景,还原了选址争议与艰辛的初建过程。第二,从工程的设计规划到施工建设、核心技术升级、验收使用等方面描述了设施的现代化改造过程。第三,从组织管理、前沿技术、成果应用、开放共享和人才培养等方面介绍了该设施的运行现状。最后,尝试总结了长短波授时系统建设的若干历史经验。 The long-wave time service system&short-wave time service system(BPL/BPM)belongs to the National Time Service Center(NTSC)of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,previously called Shaanxi Astro-nomical Observatory.It is one of the first batch of major national scientific and technological infrastructures in China and has undertaken the broadcasting task of standard time and standard frequency since 1970s,meeting the needs of national economic development,national defense construction and national security.Based on on-site in-terviews and first-hand archive materials,reference publications and public reports,this article gives a detailed historical description of the development of The BPL/BPM Time Service Systems.First,it reviewes the back-ground of The BPL/BPM Time Service Systems and the location selection disputes and difficult construction process.Second,it describes the modernization process of facilities from the design of the project to construction,acceptance and use.Thirdly,it introduces the operating status of the facility in terms of organization and manage-ment,cutting-edge technology,application of results,open sharing and talent training.Finally,the authors try to summarize some historical experiences of the long-wave and short-wave time service system,and described the future development blueprint of the high-precision ground-based time service system.
作者 王一淇 王大洲 Wang Yiqi;Wang Dazhou(School of Humanities,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《工程研究(跨学科视野中的工程)》 2021年第1期87-96,共10页 JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING STUDIES
基金 中国科学院规划战略局项目“中国近现代工程史研究”。
关键词 国家重大科技基础设施 中科院国家授时中心 长短波授时系统 工程史 major national scientific and technological infrastructure National Time Service Center BPL/BPM System history of engineering
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