
临床药师在痛风管理中工作模式与效果评价的探讨 被引量:9

Working mode and outcome evaluation of clinical pharmacists during gout management
摘要 目的:探讨临床药师在基层医院痛风患者管理中的工作模式与效果。方法:选取某院110例痛风反复发作再次入院的患者作为研究对象,临床药师进行为期6个月的用药指导和健康管理,包括住院期间、出院时以及出院后6个月的药学监护、用药教育、健康宣教、生活方式指导和干预。监测患者干预前及干预后第3,6个月血尿酸水平及痛风复发情况,并通过问卷调查的形式,了解患者干预前后痛风相关知识知晓率及自我管理依从性改变情况。结果:最终全部完成资料收集的患者有93人。干预第3,6个月,患者血尿酸达标率分别为54.84%和73.12%,痛风相关知识知晓达标率分别是61.29%和81.72%,均较干预前(分别是3.23%和21.51%)明显升高(P<0.001);干预后6个月内痛风发作率为24.73%,较干预前(40.86%)明显降低(P<0.05);干预后,患者自我管理依从性总分以及合理饮食、遵医用药、主动就医与随访这3个维度的评分较干预前均明显升高(P<0.001),但规律运动、控制体质量依从性评分升高不明显(P>0.05)。结论:临床药师参与基层医院痛风患者的管理,可提高患者对痛风的认知水平,增强自我管理依从性,提高尿酸达标率,降低复发率,对于痛风及其伴发疾病的防治具有重要意义。 OBJECTIVE To explore the working mode and outcome evaluation of clinical pharmacists during management of gout patients at grass-root hospitals.METHODS A total of 110 re-hospitalized recurrent gout patients were selected as study subjects.Clinical pharmacists practiced medication guidance and health management for 6 months,including pharmaceutical care,medication tutorial,health education,lifestyle guidance and intervention during hospitalization,at discharge and 6 months post-discharge.The serum level of uric acid and the recurrence of gout were monitored before intervention and at Months 3 and 6 after intervention and changes in gout awareness rate and self-management compliance before and after intervention were examined by a questionnaire.RESULTS Among them,93 patients finally completed data collection.At Months 3 and 6 after intervention,the compliance rates of blood uric acid were 54.84%and 73.12%and the compliance rates of gout knowledge 61.29%and 81.72%respectively.Both were significantly higher than those before intervention(3.23%and 21.51%respectively)(P<0.001).The gout flare-up rate within 6 months after intervention was 24.73%.It was significantly lower than that before intervention(40.86%)(P<0.05).After intervention,the total score of self-management compliance,the scores of reasonable diet,compliance with drug dosing,active medical treatment and follow-ups were significantly higher than those before intervention(P<0.001),However,the regular exercise and weight control compliance scores were not significantly elevated(P>0.05).CONCLUSION The participation of pharmacists in the management of gout patients at grass-root hospitals can improve patient cognitive level of gout,enhance self-management compliance,improve uric acid compliance rate and reduce recurrence rate.All these measures are vital for preventing and treating gout and its associated diseases.
作者 薛胜霞 张国忠 刘辉 潘杭苗 赵乾 方健 赵环宇 余平香 宋文利 XUE Sheng-xia;ZHANG Guo-zhong;LIU Hui;PAN Hang-miao;ZHAO Qian;FANG Jian;ZHAO Huan-yu;YU Ping-xiang;SONG Wen-li(Department of Pharmacy,Third People's Hospital of Yuhang District,Zhejiang Hangzhou 311115,China;Department of Endocrinology,Third People's Hospital of Yuhang District,Zhejiang Hangzhou 311115,China)
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第10期1064-1068,共5页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
基金 杭州市卫生计生科技计划一般项目(编号:2018B041)。
关键词 临床药师 痛风 干预 基层医院 慢病管理 clinical pharmacist gout intervention primary hospital chronic disease management
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