The system construction and standard setting of real right law are basically centered on the setting and arrangement of real right types.In terms of the types and contents of real right,the system construction and standard setting of real right law show a strong mandatory feature,which is mainly realized by numerus clausus principle.The position of the theory on the numerus clausus principle can be summed up as follows:the theory of numerus clausus,the theory of numerus apertus and the theory of numerus relaxation.The legislative theory of numerus clausus principle needs to consider the existing influence of the general principles of Civil Code,respond to the real right practice since the implementation of the real right law and meet the objective requirements of the overall rule system of the part of property in the Civil Code.Under these constraints,the strict theory of numerus clausus is faced with the dual dilemma of theory and practice,and the theory of numerus apertus is incompatible with the system of civil law in our country,so it is difficult to be adopted by legislation.The way to solve this problem is to accept the customary law of real right as an important form of norms with multiple legal perception and adopt the theory of relaxation including the customary law.
LI Xing(Law School,Dalian Maritime University,Dalian 116026,China)
Journal of Liaoning University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
numerus clausus principle
legislative theory
multiple legal perception
customary law of real right