

Progress of Library and Information Science During the 13th Five-year Plan:Analysis on Funded Papers
摘要 [目的/意义]科学资助为学术机构、科研人员和研究项目提供资金支持,同时对科学创新的发展起着指导作用。基金资金论文的研究有助于学科的发展,对科研者研究的激励和支持意义重大。[方法/过程]本文基于“十三五”期间发表在中外图书情报领域期刊上的中国基金资助论文,从发文的时间分布、各类基金的科研产出及基金论文研究主题3个方面进行分析。[结果/结论]研究发现,近5年图情学科中文期刊基金论文发文量逐年递减,但是外文期刊基金论文发文量是逐年缓慢上升的;省(市)级基金在“十三五”期间图情学科的中文基金论文中表现显著,国家自科基金在外文基金论文的资助数量和资助效果中成果显著;中文基金论文表现出了对图书情报服务及其变革、数据科学、数字资源建设及高校图书馆等方面的关注;而外文基金论文对社交媒体、信息技术、文献计量和图书馆建设等方面更加关注。 [Purpose/Significance]Science funding provides financial support for academic institutions,researchers and research projects,and at the same time plays a guiding role in the development of scientific innovation.The research of funded papers contributes to the development of the discipline and is of great significance to the encouragement and support of researchers.[Method/Process]Based on the funded papers published in Chinese journals and foreign journals in the field of library and information science(LIS)during the"13th Five-Year Plan"period,this paper analyzes from the perspectives of the time distribution of papers issued,research output of different types foundations and the research topics.[Results/Conclusions]The number of funded papers published in Chinese journals in LIS from 2016 to 2020 has decreased year by year,but the number of funded papers published in foreign journals has slowly increased year by year;for funded papers published in Chinese journal during the"13th Five-Year Plan"period,provincial(municipal)foundations funded papers are more outstanding,and National Natural Science Foundation funded papers are more notable for the number and effects of the funded papers in foreign journals;the funded papers in Chinese journals show a great impact on library services,changes and data,digital resource construction and university libraries;while funded papers in foreign journals pay more attention to social media,theme models,scientometrics and library construction.
作者 赵蓉英 常茹茹 王筱宇 张兆阳 ZHAO Rongying;CHANG Ruru;WANG Xiaoyu;ZHANG Zhaoyang(Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072;Center for Studies of Information Resources,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072;School of Information Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072)
出处 《农业图书情报学报》 2021年第6期18-29,共12页 Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
基金 国家社科基金重大专项“新时代中国特色图情学科基本理论问题研究”(19VXK09) 国家社会科学基金重大项目“构建中国话语权的评价科学理论、方法与应用体系研究”(18ZDA325)。
关键词 “十三五” 图情档 学科进展 基金论文 the 13th Five-Year Plan library and information science(LIS) academic progress funded paper
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