
中国远洋渔业的发展与转型--兼评《中国远洋渔业履约白皮书》 被引量:3

Development and Transformation of China’s Distant-Water Fisheries:A Review of the White Paper on the Compliance of China’s Distant-Water Fisheries
摘要 我国及其远洋渔业是全球海洋生物资源养护与可持续利用的重要参与方及组成部分之一,《中国远洋渔业履约白皮书》吸引了国际社会的广泛关注。我国最初发展远洋渔业旨在解决动物蛋白供给和外汇需求等问题。1999年我国重点发展公海渔业并参与公海渔业治理,既有当时国际渔业法律、政治以及现实的需求,也为了通过发展公海渔业提升我国对内管理能力,缓解我国在其他国家专属经济区内捕捞能力过度集中投入的状况。本文拟从公海捕鱼国和入渔国两种身份角度,探讨在相关国际文书下我国应尽的海洋生物资源养护义务,并结合我国的实践,评估《中国远洋渔业履约白皮书》。本文认为,国内发展为我国远洋渔业未来发展提供了机遇,但参与公海渔业治理和双边渔业合作也面临一些挑战。 China and its distant-water fisheries are among the key participants involved in the conservation and sustainable use of global marine living resources.Therefore,the White Paper on the Compliance of China’s Distant-Water Fisheries(hereinafter“the White Paper”)has since its release attracted widespread international attention.Before reviewing the White Paper,this paper examined the development and transformation of China’s distant-water fisheries with aim to providing a big context.Among others,securing animal protein supply and meeting its foreign exchange demand are the two important objectives when China planned and developed its distant-water fisheries in 1980s.The year of 1999 witnessed China shifting its development priority to the high seas fisheries and involvement in their governance as a response to the international legal politics of fisheries at that time as well as practical needs.The corollaries of this transformation included the enhanced domestic management capacity through participating in the development and implementation of international high seas fisheries regulations and the reduce of its fishing fleets operating in the exclusive economic zones of other States alleviating fishing pressures.In reviewing the White Paper,this paper first explored the specific obligations to conserve marine living resources under relevant international instruments that China assume from the perspectives of high seas fishing State and access fishing State,and then scrutinized the fulfilment of the obligations by China in light of the White Paper and other relevant circumstance.At the end this paper envisioned that the domestic development would provide opportunities for the future development of China’s distant-water fisheries;on the other hand,challenges might arise in its deep engagement in high seas fisheries governance and bilateral fishery cooperation.
作者 唐建业 TANG Jianye(College of Marine Sciences,Shanghai Ocean University)
出处 《中华海洋法学评论》 2021年第1期1-35,共35页 China Oceans Law Review
基金 国家社科基金“新时代海洋强国建设”重大研究专项(项目编号:20VHQ001)阶段性成果。
关键词 中国远洋渔业 海洋生物资源养护 区域渔业管理组织 专属经济区 China’s distant-water fisheries Conservation of marine living resources Regional fisheries management organizations Exclusive economic zone
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