
在“机械CAD/CAM应用”课程中实施课程思政的探索 被引量:4

The Exploration of Course-based Ideological and Political Education in the“Application of Mechanical CAD/CAM”Course
摘要 该文重点探讨了在“机械CAD/CAM应用”课程中如何融入工匠精神、立志技能报国等思政元素,探索实施课程思政教学的方法。首先,在课程设计上遵循整体设计“一纵一横一联通”模块化,微观上“润物细无声”单元设计思政化的思路,进行了课程思政建设的整体设计。其次,在课程思政实施的过程中,不断探索新的教学方法,将创新设计思维融入机械制造专业课程的教学中,注重培养学生探索未知、追求真理、勇攀科学高峰的责任感和使命感,激发学生科技报国的家国情怀和使命担当,实践过程中注重培养学生的“工匠精神”,提升学生的实践能力和创新创业能力。 This paper focuses on how to incorporate ideological and political elements such as craftsmanship and determination to serve the country in the“Mechanical CAD/CAM Application”course,and explores methods for implementing coursebased ideological and political teaching.First of all,the curriculum design follows the modularized overall design based on“one vertical,one horizontal and one interconnection”,and microscopically,the unit design follows the idea of subtly integrating with ideological and political elements.In this way,the overall design of course-based ideological and political construction is carried out.Secondly,in the implementation of course-based ideological and political education,it is necessary to continuously explore new teaching methods,integrate innovative design thinking into the teaching of mechanical manufacturing professional courses,and focus on cultivating students’sense of responsibility and mission to explore the unknown,pursue the truth,and bravely climb the peak of science,so as to stimulate their patriotism and responsibility of dedicating themselves to the service of the country through science and technology,cultivate their“craftsmanship spirit”in practice,and enhance their practical ability and innovation and entrepreneurship ability.
作者 刘倩婧 LIU Qianjing
出处 《科教文汇》 2021年第16期89-91,共3页 Journal of Science and Education
基金 2020年聊城职业技术学院教学改革项目(课程思政示范课项目,项目编号:2020LZYKCSZ01)。
关键词 课程思政 顶层设计 实施策略 course-based ideological and political education top-level design implementation strategy
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