
《世界图解》的话语分析:职业启蒙教育的意蕴及其当代价值 被引量:1

Discourse Analysis on OrbisPictus:Implication of Vocational Enlightenment Education and Its Contemporary Value
摘要 职业启蒙教育对于人的职业生涯的开启具有重要的奠基作用,教育经典作品将是助推当代教育改革的重要财富。以夸美纽斯的《世界图解》为内容载体,聚焦于人类活动中的职业要素,基于费尔克拉夫批评话语分析总体框架,从图书的创编生产、内容传播与受众反应三个维度展开,分别阐释社会实践及意识形态的流变在教材生产过程中的深刻影响,教材渗透职业要素“话语意义”的文本表达,以及后人对教材渗透职业启蒙教育意蕴的觉察与传承。其中,在教材内容的剖析中,从职业角色和职业伦理两个方面,通过“多模态”分析法从概念、人际、语篇三大语言元功能考察教材在图文互动中对职业启蒙教育的意蕴渗透。最后,结合我国的教育实际,构思《世界图解》对当代职业启蒙教育的价值启示。 Vocational enlightenment education plays an important foundational role in starting a person's career,and the educational classics would be an important asset to promote contemporary education reform.Taking Comenius's OrbisPictus as the content carrier,focusing on the vocational elements in human activities,relying on the framework of Fairclough's critical discourse analysis,and starting from the three dimensions of book production,content dissemination and audience feedback,it explains the profound impact of the changes of social practice and ideology in the production of book,the textual expression of the"discourse significance"of vocational elements in textbooks,and the perception and inheritance of the implication of vocational enlightenment education in textbooks.In the analysis of the textbook content,from the two aspects of vocational roles and ethics and the"multi⁃model"analysis method,the implications of the textbook to the vocational enlightenment education elements in the context of image⁃text interaction from the three language meta⁃functions of concept,interpersonal and discourse.Finally,combined with the China's educational reality,the value enlightenment of OrbisPictus is conceived to the contemporary vocational enlightenment education.
作者 陈鹏 孙羽 Chen Peng;Sun Yu
出处 《职教发展研究》 2021年第2期11-23,共13页 Vocational Education Development and Research
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学重点项目“职业启蒙教育的逻辑与路径研究”(项目编号:2017ZDIXM051,主持人:陈鹏)。
关键词 《世界图解》 职业启蒙教育 批评话语 教材 图文 OrbisPictus vocational enlightenment education critical discourse textbook image⁃text
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