
基于TMR阵列的脉冲涡流海水管路腐蚀检测技术 被引量:4

Review of pulsed eddy current corrosion detection technology for seawater pipeline based on TMR array
摘要 船舶海水管路的腐蚀影响管路运行的可靠性,严重时甚至会导致管壁破损,影响船舶的安全航行,研究管路的腐蚀程度检测技术具有重要意义。针对船舶海水管路布置紧密、管壁较薄、管径较小等特点,本文比较分析多种无损检测技术的原理及优缺点,重点分析脉冲涡流检测技术。针对信号检测器件,比较分析感应线圈、霍尔传感器以及多种磁电阻传感器的性能参数和研究现状,提出基于TMR阵列的脉冲涡流检测系统设计方案。 Corrosion of marine pipelines affects the reliability of pipeline operation, and even leads to pipe wall damage in serious cases, which affects the safe navigation of ships. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the detection technology of pipeline corrosion degree. In view of the characteristics of ship's seawater pipeline, such as compact layout, thin wall and small diameter, this paper compares and analyses the principles, advantages and disadvantages of various non-destructive testing technologies, focusing on pulsed eddy current testing technology. For the signal detection device, the performance parameters of the induction coil, the Hall sensor and various magnetoresistive sensors are compared and analyzed. The design scheme of pulse eddy current detection system based on TMR array is proposed.
作者 张尧 杨锋 罗宁昭 隋波 ZHANG Yao;YANG Feng;LUO Ning-zhao;SUI Bo(College of Electrical Engineering,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430033,China;Third Military Representative OfHce of the Navy in Dalian,Dalian 116021,China)
出处 《舰船科学技术》 北大核心 2021年第5期88-91,共4页 Ship Science and Technology
关键词 海水管路 腐蚀检测 脉冲涡流检测 TMR阵列 seawater pipeline corrosion detection pulsed eddy current testing TMR array
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