多参数监护仪是最常见的一种监护设备,多应用在急诊、心血管科、ICU等科室,其性能的准确更是尤为重要,为此国家在2019年发布了关于JJG 1163-2019《多参数监护仪》的计量检定规程,其规程覆盖了心电、脉搏血氧饱和度、无创血压和呼末二氧化碳四大参数的检定,而针对多参数监护仪呼末二氧化碳的检定则是第一次出现在检定规程中,本文着重介绍多参数监护仪中关于呼末二氧化碳浓度的检定方法。
Multi-parameter monitor is the most common type of monitoring equipment.It is mostly used in emergency department,cardiovascular department,ICU and other departments.The accuracy of its performance is especially important.For this reason,the country released the measurement of multi-parameter monitor in 2019.The verification procedure JJG 1163-2019 covers the verification of the four parameters of ECG,pulse oximetry,non-invasive blood pressure and end-tidal carbon dioxide,and the verification of end-tidal carbon dioxide for multi-parameter monitors is the first time it appears in the verification.In the regulations,this article focuses on the verification method of end-tidal carbon dioxide in multi-parameter monitors.
Metrology & Measurement Technique