
足球运动员脚内侧踢球支撑腿肌肉力量和跳跃能力对球速的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Muscle Strength and Jump Ability of the Supporting Leg on Ball Speed During Instep Kicks in Footballer
摘要 目的:探讨助跑速度增加时,足球运动员脚内侧踢球支撑腿与踢球腿肌肉力量和跳跃能力对球速提高的影响。方法:募集大学高水平训练队12名足球运动员,分别通过1 m、3 m、7 m和自由距离(Free:3~7 m)的助跑进行脚内侧踢球动作,同时采用Vicon T20高速运动捕捉系统和三维测力台采集脚内侧踢球过程中身体各环节的运动学和动力学指标;采用ISOMED 2000等速测力系统测取不同角速度下的髋、膝关节屈伸和髋关节外展、内收峰值力矩,进行支撑腿和踢球腿的单、双足纵跳练习以测得跳跃能力参数。采用单因素方差分析对比不同助跑条件下球速、足部速度等运动学指标和地面反作用指标,通过Person相关分析反映足部速度与踢球腿、支撑腿肌肉力量和跳跃能力间的关系。结果:1)随着助跑步数的增加,助跑速度增大,支撑腿足部着地到踢球腿足部触球的时间缩短,水平和垂直方向的地面反作用力增大,且7 m条件与3 m、Free、1 m条件,3 m、Free条件与1 m条件间均存在显著性差异(P<0.05);2)各种助跑条件下踢球时足部速度与支撑腿髋关节伸展和外展肌力间存在显著性正相关(P<0.05);3)3 m、7 m和Free助跑条件下足部速度与支撑腿单腿反弹跳能力间存在显著性正相关(P<0.05),同时与髋关节内收肌力间存在显著性正相关(P<0.05);4)1~7 m相对足部速度变化率与支撑腿反弹跳能力间存在显著性正相关(P<0.05)。结论:随着运动员助跑距离的增加,脚内侧踢球时身体重心速度和足部速度提高,进而使出球速度获得提高;短距离(1 m)助跑时,踢球腿内收肌力对球速具有主导影响,而进行中长距离(3 m和7 m)助跑时,支撑腿伸展、外展肌力和弹性爆发力则成为影响出球速度进一步提高的关键因素。同时,结合运动员的个性化肌力水平和生物力学特征推荐出可以获得最高出球速度的适宜助跑距离。 Objective:To explore the importance of strength and jump ability of both kicking and supporting legs when increasing the speed of a soccer ball during instep kicks at various approach speeds.Method:12 male university soccer players were recruited to perform instep kicks by using 1 m,3 m,7 m,and free lengths(3~7 m)approach.Meanwhile,kinematic and kinetic data of physical links for the instep kicks were recorded by using the Vicon T20 system and three-dimensional platform.The peak torque of knee extension/flexion,hip extension/flexion,and hip abduction/adduction were measured by using multi-joint power measuring apparatus.The parameter of vertical jump was calculated from vertical jump exercise of single and double feet with the kicking leg and supporting leg.One-way ANOVA was used to analyze the differences of kinematic and ground reaction force data such as velocity of ball and foot among different approach.Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to detect foot speed and strength and jump ability of both kicking and supporting legs.Results:1)The approach speed increased as approach length increased,meanwhile,the time between the moment when the foot touched the ground and the moment of ball impact became shortened,and the ground reaction force at all axes increased as the approach speed increased(P<0.05);2)foot speed at kicking under all the approach condition was correlated with hip extension and the abduction strength of the supporting leg(P<0.05);3)foot speed under the 3 m,7 m,and free-length conditions was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg(P<0.05),which was also correlated with hip adduction strength of the supporting leg(P<0.05);4)the rate of change in the relative foot velocity(for an approach of 1m to 7 m)was correlated with the rebound jump ability of the supporting leg(P<0.05).Conclusion:With the increase of run-up distance,the speed of the center of gravity and the speed of the foot increased when the footballer performed instep kicks the ball,which could make the ball speed increased;when short-distance(m)run-up performed,the strength of adductor muscle of kicking leg had a dominant effect on ball speed;when long-distance(3 m and 7 m)run-up performed,the strength of extension,abductor muscle,and ballistic explosive force of supporting leg had key effect on the further improvement of ball speed.Meanwhile,by combining the individualized muscle strength level with biomechanical characteristics of footballer,suitable run-up distance to obtain the highest ball speed could be recommended.
作者 傅旭波 潘德运 余保玲 FU Xubo;PAN Deyun;YU Baoling(Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China.)
机构地区 浙江大学
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期62-70,77,共10页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 浙江省教育科学规划研究课题(2019SCG195) 浙江大学高等教育“十三五”第一批教学改革研究项目。
关键词 脚内侧踢球 踢球腿 支撑腿 髋关节外展肌力 单足跳跃能力 instep kicks kicking leg supporting leg the strength of hip abductor muscles jump of single foot
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