
宁波市外来入侵植物及其入侵风险评估 被引量:16

Investigation and risk assessment of alien invasive plants in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province
摘要 【目的】掌握浙江省宁波市外来入侵植物的危害现状,评估其入侵风险等级,为入侵植物的生态安全管理提供参考。【方法】调查了宁波市不同区域外来入侵植物,并采用层次分析法对入侵植物的传入阶段、适生阶段、扩散阶段、入侵分布现状、危害影响及治理难度等指标进行综合评估,确定外来入侵植物的入侵风险等级。【结果】宁波市外来入侵植物种类较多,共77种,隶属27科58属。外来入侵植物优势科现象明显,其中菊科Asteraceae最多,达21种,其次是茄科Solanaceae、豆科Leguminosae和禾本科Poaceae,各6种。草本植物71种,占总种数的92.21%。37种属人为有意引入,占所有入侵植物的48.05%;32种属无意引入,占41.56%;入侵途径不明的有8种,占10.39%。58种来自美洲,占外来入侵植物总种数的75.32%;15种来自欧洲,占19.48%。层次分析表明:Ⅰ级风险的外来入侵植物15种,Ⅱ级风险的14种,Ⅲ级风险的18种,Ⅳ级风险的22种,Ⅴ级风险的8种。【结论】宁波市外来入侵植物的入侵风险等级较高,建议根据其评估的风险等级,采取相应的综合治理方法,防控外来植物的入侵危害。 [Objective] This research aims to understand the situation of invasive alien plants in Ningbo and assess their invasive risk levels, so as to provide suggestions for the ecological security management. [Method]Typical habitats of alien invasive plants in different areas of Ningbo were investigated by quadrats. The analytic hierarchy process(AHP) was used to comprehensively evaluate indexes such as introduction stage, suitable growth stage, diffusion stage, invasion distribution status, damage impact and management difficulty, so as to determine the invasive risk of the alien invasive plants. [Result] There were 77 species of alien invasive plants in Ningbo, belonging to 27 families and 58 genera. The dominant families of alien invasive plants were obvious,among which Asteraceae was the most, with 21 species, followed by Solanaceae, Leguminosae and Poaceae,with 6 species each. There were 71 species of herbaceous plants, accounting for 92.21% of the total species.37 species were introduced intentionally, accounting for 48.05% of all invasive plants. 32 species were unintentionally introduced, accounting for 41.56%. There were 8 species(10.39%) whose invasive routes were unknown, accounting for 10.39%. 58 species came from America, accounting for 75.32% of the total number of alien invasive plants in Ningbo. 15 were from Europe(19.48%). AHP showed there were 15 species of alien invasive plants with level Ⅰ risk, 14 species with level Ⅱ risk, 18 species with level Ⅲ risk, 22 species withlevel Ⅳ risk and 8 species with level Ⅴ risk. [Conclusion] The risk level of alien invasive plants in Ningbo is relatively high. It is suggested that comprehensive measures should be taken to prevent and control the invasive harm of the alien plants according to the assessed risk level.
作者 魏子璐 朱峻熠 潘晨航 王义英 胡沁沁 周颖 金水虎 WEI Zilu;ZHU Junyi;PAN Chenhang;WANG Yiying;HU Qinqin;ZHOU Ying;JIN Shuihu(College of Forestry and Biotechnology,Zhejiang A&F University,Hangzhou 311300,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《浙江农林大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期552-559,共8页 Journal of Zhejiang A&F University
基金 宁波市植物资源调查与资源开发利用项目(NB2FCG2012049G-D)。
关键词 植物学 宁波市 外来入侵植物 入侵现状 风险评估 botany Ningbo City alien invasive plant invasion status risk assessment
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