
运用“十层脉”理论探讨新型冠状病毒肺炎的中医分型论治 被引量:1

Using Theory of"Ten-Layer Pulse"to Discuss Treatment of COVID-19
摘要 "十层脉"是一种以脉象层次命名的诊脉方法,可以从寸口脉的长度、宽度、高度方面三位一体地把握脉象。新型冠状病毒肺炎患者脉象以肺脉及肝脉的病脉表现最为突出,淋巴结脉和胆囊脉次之,故新型冠状病毒肺炎病位在"肺、肝",应从肺、肝论治。结合症状和舌象特征辨证可分为:邪遏少阳型、邪热壅肺型、肝胆郁热型、肝肾阳虚型及内闭外脱型,相应处方为柴胡清瘟饮、清肺解毒汤、赤白柔肝饮、养肝扶阳汤及潜阳固脱汤。 "Ten-layer pulse"is a pulse diagnosis method named after level of pulse condition,which can grasp the pulse condition from the trinity of the length,width and height of the Cunkou pulse.The pulse condition of patients with corona virus disease 2019(COVID-19)is most prominent in the lung and liver veins,followed by lymph node veins and gallbladder veins.Therefore,the disease position of COVID-19 is"lung and liver",and treatment should be based on lung and liver.Syndrome differentiation based on symptoms and tongue features can be divided into:evil restraining Shaoyang type,evil heat and Yong lung type,liver and gallbladder stagnation heat type,liver and kidney yang deficiency type,and internal closure and external degeneration type.The corresponding prescriptions are Chaihu Qingwen Decoction,Qingfei Jiedu Decoction,Chibai Rougan Decoction,Yanggan Fuyang Decoction and Qianyang Gutuo Decoction.
作者 熊鸣峰 兰琴 夏冰 王利勤 万欣 孔蕴源 郭健 王腾宇 乐爱平 张伟 XIONG Mingfeng;LAN Qin;XIA Bing;WANG Liqin;WAN Xin;KONG Yunyuan;GUO Jian;WANG Tengyu;LE Aiping;ZHANG Wei(Ten-layered Vessel Institute of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang University,Nanchang Jiangxi China 330006;Hongdu Hospital of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang City,Nanchang Jiangxi China 330008;The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanchang University,Nanchang Jiangxi China 330006)
出处 《中医学报》 CAS 2021年第6期1131-1134,共4页 Acta Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81904087) 2019全国中医药创新骨干人才培训项目{国中医药办人教函[2019]91号} 江西省科技厅青年基金项目(20181BAB215036) 江西省卫生健康委员会科技计划处项目(20195079) 江西省卫生健康委员会中医药处资助项目(2018B034)。
关键词 新型冠状病毒肺炎 “十层脉” 邪遏少阳证 邪热壅肺证 肝胆郁热证 肝肾阳虚证 内闭外脱证 corona virus disease 2019 "ten layers of pulses" evil restraining Shaoyang syndrome evil heat and Yongfei syndrome liver and gallbladder stagnation and heat syndrome liver and kidney Yang deficiency syndrome internal closure and external degeneration syndrome
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