
755nm皮秒激光联合中胚层修复治疗黄褐斑疗效观察 被引量:5

Clinical Effectiveness of 755nm Picosecond Laser Combined with Mesodermal Repair Care in Treatment of Chloasma
摘要 目的:评价755nm皮秒激光联合中胚层修复治疗黄褐斑的疗效。方法:选取黄褐斑患者70例,随机分为两组。对照组:采用755nm皮秒激光治疗,每月1次,术后常规面膜保湿护理;治疗组:在对照组基础上联合中胚层修复,中胚层修复于两次激光治疗期间进行,每月1次,共治疗6个月。于治疗前、治疗后2、4、6个月分别评估患者面部MASI评分,同时采用VISIA皮肤检测仪、CK皮肤多功能测试仪对患者面部紫外线斑、红区、弹性、经皮失水及皮肤含水量等进行检测。结果:两组治疗前MASI评分及紫外线斑评分无统计学差异,两组治疗后2、4、6个月MASI评分及紫外线斑评分组内比较均具有统计学差异(P<0.001);治疗后6个月,两组MASI评分及紫外线斑评分有明显差异(P<0.001,P=0.007)。随着治疗次数增加,对照组经皮失水逐渐增加(P<0.001)、皮肤含水量下降(P=0.005)、VISIA红区评分变化不明显(P=0.311);治疗组经皮失水逐渐下降(P=0.016)、皮肤含水量(P<0.001)及弹性值(P<0.001)增加、VISIA红区评分增加(P=0.002)。结论:755nm皮秒激光联合中胚层修复治疗黄褐斑的疗效优于755nm皮秒激光联合面膜保湿护理,且联合中胚层修复真皮层损伤得以修复,皮肤屏障功能明显增强。 Objective To evaluate the clinical efficacy of 755 picosecond laser combined with mesodermal repair care in the treatment of chloasma.Methods A total of 70 patients with chloasma from our outpatient department were divided in two groups.Patients in the control group were treated with 755 nm Picosecond laser combined with routine moisturizing mask,once a month,for a total of 6 months.Patients in the treatment group were treated with 755 picosecond laser combined with mesodermal repair care.Facial MASI scores were assessed at baseline and at 2 th,4 th and 6 th month after treatment.Meanwhile,the percentage of ultraviolet(UV)spot,read areas were dectected by VISIA and the skin elasticity,the transpepidermal water loss(TEWL),and water content of the stratum corneum(SC)were measured using CK.Results There was no significant difference of MASI score and percentage of UV spot between the treatment and the control group at baseline.Compared with basline,MASI score and UV spot percentage in both two groups were gradually improved at 2,4 and 6 months after treatment(P<0.001).At the end of treatment,MASI scores and UV spot percentage between the two groups were significantly different(P<0.001,P=0.007).For the patients in the control group,the TEWL(P<0.001)gradually increased,the water content of SC decreased(P=0.005),and the percentage of red areas did not change(P=0.311)with the treatment.For patients with themesoderm repair care,TEWL value declined(P=0.016),water content of SC(P<0.001),elasticity(P<0.001),and the percentage of red areas increased(P=0.002).Conclusion The effect of 755 nm picosecond laser combined with mesodermal repair care in the treatment of chloasma is better than that of 755 nm picosecond laser combined with facial mask moisturizing care.Meanwhile,the dermal injury and the skin barrier function of the patients were significantly improved with mesodermal repair care.
作者 陈玲娜 王亮 邓永琼 雷启蓉 熊霞 徐爱国 刘杰雄 CHEN Ling-na;WANG Liang;DENG Yong-qiong;LEI Qi-rong;XIONG Xia;XU Ai-guo;LIU Jie-xiong(Department of Dermatology,the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest Meidical University,Luzhou 646000,Sichuan,China)
出处 《中国美容医学》 CAS 2021年第5期82-86,共5页 Chinese Journal of Aesthetic Medicine
基金 西南医科大学青年科学基金(编号:2018-ZRQN-052)。
关键词 755nm皮秒激光 中胚层修复 黄褐斑 皮肤屏障 激光术后护理 755nm picosecond laser mesodermal repair care chloasma skin barrier skin reparation after laser therapy
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