
第三种信任:基于人类命运 共同体的过渡型信任关系

The Third Trust: Transitional Trust Relationship Based on the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
摘要 唯物史观认为,社会信任作为交往关系的一般形式,由特定社会发展阶段的生产生活方式决定。在以“人的依赖性关系”为特征的社会中,内嵌于差序关系中的伦理信任是主要形式;在“以物的依赖性为基础的人的独立性”社会中,基于普遍交换的契约信任居于主导地位;而未来的信任将超越前两种,即不再是对权威的信任,也不再是对货币和资本的信任,而是对人的社会本质的信任,是建立在按需分配基础上、以爱和尊严为标志的自由人联合体的信任关系。人类命运共同体不是自由人联合体,但它发展了马克思的社会理论,通过建构新型国际关系和改革全球治理体系,为破解国际社会“信任赤字”作出了探索。以命运共同体为载体的信任,将还原契约信任中的资本价值为人本价值、改造伦理信任中的差序关系为统一战线,是朝向未来信任关系的过渡。 According to historical materialism,social trust,as a general form of association,is determined by the way of production and mode of life at specific stages of social development.In the society featured by“human dependence relationship”,the main form of social trust is ethical trust embedded within differential mode of association.In the society characterized by“human independence based on material dependence”,contract trust based on universal exchange is dominant.Future trust will exceed the above two kinds of trust based either on authority or on currency and capital.It is a kind of trust in the social nature of human and a trust relationship of the association of free men marked by love and dignity with the foundation on distribution according to needs.The community with a shared future for mankind is not the association of free men,but it develops the social theory of Marx and investigates how to reduce“trust deficit”of international society by building new international relations and reforming the system of global governance.The trust carried by the community with a shared future,as a transition to future trust relationship,will restore capital value in contract trust to humanistic value and reform differential mode of association in ethical trust to united front.
作者 沈斐 SHEN Fei(Department of Teaching and Research,China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong,Shanghai 201204)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2021年第3期14-26,共13页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“《资本论》视野下全球化的美国困境与中国方案研究”(项目编号:17BKS008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 伦理信任 契约信任 人类命运共同体 过渡型信任关系 ethical trust contract trust community with a shared future for mankind transitional trust relationship
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