
孔子成《春秋》何以乱臣贼子惧?——汉唐《春秋》学的视域 被引量:1

Why does Chun Qiu completed by Confucius frighten rebels?--The perspective of the study of Chun Qiu from Han to Tang Dynasty
摘要 对孟子所谓“孔子成《春秋》而乱臣贼子惧”的诠释可溯源于董仲舒,其虽未曾提出针对这一命题的诠释,但其《春秋》学中却内蕴着对这一命题的理解,其说可概括为:借褒贬以立法,由立法以惧贼。这一理解在司马迁那里得到进一步展现。为了解决孔子以匹夫身份进行褒贬予夺的合理性,以董仲舒为代表的汉儒提出孔子为素王,作《春秋》代汉立法的解决方案。东汉时期,受到古文学影响的赵岐不再强调褒贬的立法功能,从而将董仲舒以来的褒贬立法以惧贼说转换为褒贬惧贼说。晋唐《春秋》学亦承继古文学理念,反对孔子为素王,主张从历史批判的角度理解褒贬,进一步将上述命题从经学论述转换为史学命题,并对晋唐史学产生深远影响。 The interpretation of this proposition put forward by Mencius that Confucius completed Chun Qiu and rebellious ministers and villainous sons were struck with terror can be traced back to Dong Zhongshu.Although he had not made an explanation for this proposition,his understanding of this proposition is implied in his study of Chun Qiu.His view can be summarized as that the Chun Qiu established the political principles by praise and criticism,and frightened the rebellious ministers and villainous sons by it.This understanding was more clearly demonstrated by Sima Qian.In order to establish the rationality of Confucius to evaluate princes and officials as a commoner,Confucian scholars in Han Dynasty,represented by Dong Zhongshu,put forward a solution that Confucius was the uncrowned king and completed Chun Qiu to establish the basic political principles for the Han Dynasty.In the Eastern Han Dynasty,Zhao Qi,influenced by Guwen Classics-Learning,no longer emphasized the legislative function of praise and criticism.Thus,the saying that the Chun Qiu established the political principles by praise and criticism and frightened the rebellious ministers and villainous sons through the practice of political principles was transformed into the saying that the Chun Qiu frighten rebellious ministers and villainous sons by praise and criticism.The scholars in Jin and Tang Dynasty also inherited the idea of Guwen Classics-Learning,opposed the idea that Confucius was the uncrowned king.they advocated to understand praise and criticism from the perspective of historical criticism.This practice further transformed the above proposition from the discussion of classics to the istorical proposition proposition.
作者 李颖 张立恩 LI Ying;ZHANG Li-en(Department of Philosophy,East China Normal University,Shanghai,200241;School of Philosophy,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou,730070)
出处 《哲学评论》 2020年第1期33-49,共17页 Wuda Philosophical Review
基金 教育部社科基金青年项目“中唐以来新《春秋》学演进逻辑研究”(20YJC720028) 西北师范大学青年教师科研能力提升计划项目(NWNU-SKQN2019-36)的阶段性成果。
关键词 《春秋》 褒贬 素王 Chun Qiu praise and derogation uncrowned king
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