
构建适应老龄社会的“主动健康观” 被引量:21

Developing an Active Outlook on Health to Adapt to the Aging Society
摘要 人类健康现状基本上是被动健康观的产物。适应年轻社会的被动健康观的成就不容否定,但面向老龄社会和人类普遍长寿的客观趋势,被动健康观难以应对。我们需要一场健康观的革命,需要重新理解人类健康概念,建构人类健康行为演化机制理论,创新人类健康观,以适应老龄社会的客观需要。"主动健康观"要义的十个关切如下:一是关切结构和整体健康状态,而不是仅仅重点关注身体变化;二是以关切精神状态为纲,而不是以精神健康干预为辅;三是关切个体独立性和能动性,而不是将医院、医生视为健康行为的主导;四是关切精神、社会和身体三维一体的综合功能,而不是仅仅关切身体功能指标;五是关切系统安排,但同时高度重视生命个体行为的积极持续参与;六是关切生命演化形成的既定阀限,重在针对健康知行分离与健康惰性,加强对健康机制的柔性和刚性约束的双重管理;七是关切生命质量,而不是刻意延长或缩短失能期;八是关切终生价值,丰富个体长寿生命意义体验;九是关切终生健康复杂曲线,而不是一把尺子量到底;十是关切将预防性健康事业产业做大做强,同时强调治疗性健康事业产业只能做强不能做大。 The current state of human health is basically a product of the passive health concept.The fruits of the concept,which suits the young society,should not be denied;however,it cannot adapt to the aging society and the objective trend of universal human longevity.Therefore,to meet the objective needs of the aging society,we need to reform our outlook on health,re-understand the concept of health,develop a theory of the evolutionary mechanism of human health behavior,and refresh our views towards health.The ten concerns of the active outlook on health are as follows.Firstly,focusing on the holistic structure and the overall state of health,instead of emphasizing only on physical changes.Secondly,making mental state a major focus,rather than regarding mental health intervention a supplementary measure.Thirdly,attaching more importance to the independence and initiative of individuals,rather than letting hospitals and doctors play a dominant role in people’s health behavior.Fourthly,focusing on the integrated functions of mental health,physical health and the society,instead of emphasizing only on physical indicators.Fifthly,putting systematic arrangement high on the agenda,and attaching great importance to the active and continuous participation of individuals as well.Sixthly,paying attention to the established threshold of life evolution,health inertia and the separation of health knowledge and behavior,and enhancing the management of both the flexible and rigid constraints on health mechanisms.Seventhly,focusing on quality of life,rather than deliberately extending or shortening the period of disability.Eighthly,emphasizing lifetime value and enriching the longevity experience of individuals.Ninthly,employing a complex curve of lifelong health instead of a one-size-fits-all approach.Tenthly,making the preventive health industry and undertaking bigger and stronger,and emphasizing that the therapeutic health industry and undertaking can only be stronger instead of bigger.
作者 党俊武 DANG Junwu(China Research Center on Aging,Beijing 100054,China)
出处 《老龄科学研究》 2021年第2期1-10,50,共11页 Scientific Research on Aging
基金 科技部国家重点研发计划“我国人群增龄过程中健康状态变化特点与规律的研究”子课题“健康状态影响因素的分析研究”(项目号2018YFC2000303)的阶段性成果。
关键词 “主动健康观” 被动健康观 健康行为演化机制 老龄社会 健康中国战略 an active outlook on health a passive outlook on health the evolutionary mechanism of health behavior the aging society the Healthy China strategy
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