
HBI1-TCP20 interaction positively regulates the CEPs-mediated systemic nitrate acquisition 被引量:1

摘要 Nitrate is the main source of nitrogen for plants but often distributed heterogeneously in soil.Plants have evolved sophisticated strategies to achieve adequate nitrate by modulating the root system architecture. The nitrate acquisition system is triggered by the short mobile peptides C-TERMINALLY ENCODED PEPTIDES(CEPs)that are synthesized on the nitrate-starved roots,but induce the expression of nitrate transporters on the other nitrate-rich roots through an unclear signal transduction pathway. Here,we demonstrate that the transcription factors HBI1 and TCP20 play important roles in plant growth and development in response to fluctuating nitrate supply. HBI1 physically interacts with TCP20, and this interaction was enhanced by the nitrate starvation. HBI1 and TCP20 directly bind to the promoters of CEPs and cooperatively induce their expression. Mutation in HBIs and/or TCP20 resulted in impaired systemic nitrate acquisition response. Our solid genetic and molecular evidence strongly indicate that the HBI1-TCP20 module positively regulates the CEPs-mediated systemic nitrate acquisition.
出处 《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第5期902-912,共11页 植物学报(英文版)
基金 This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.31970306,31600199,and 31670284) by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant Nos.2017M612259,2018T110684,and 2020M672047) by Shandong Province Natural Science Foundation(Grant Nos.ZR2019ZD16,JQ201708,and ZR2018ZC0334) by the Shandong Province Postdoctoral Science Foundation(Grant No.11200078311023 to J.W.) by Shandong Province Agricultural Variety Improvement Project(Grant No.2019LZGC-015)。
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