

Exploring the Spatial-Temporal Performance of Public Bike-Sharing Using IC-card Data in Ningbo, China
摘要 基于宁波市公共自行车IC卡数据,采用聚类研究、空间统计、回归分析等手段,对主城区内公共自行车使用分布时空特征及影响因素进行剖析,结果表明:①宁波市公共自行车系统用车量变化呈现规律明显的早晚高峰;②聚类结果显示“早出晚归”“早归晚出”类型的站点周转模式尤为突出,同时反映出非工作日平峰与夜间时段内系统调度任务量更高;③空间分布方面,三江片、东部新城及其连接通道为长时需求热区,而非工作日高峰时段城区外围用车需求高于工作日同时段;④站点周边居住设施、地面公交站点数量、站点桩位数量等9项指标对公共自行车使用需求具有显著影响. The primary objective of this study was to understand the spatial-temporal performance and influencing factors of the public bike-sharing system(PBS)in Chinese cities.A large-scale IC-card data was collected from PBS in Ningbo,China.A series of research methods were conducted,such as cluster analysis,spatial statistics and regression analysis.The results show that the PBS usage pattern exhibited the regular characteristics of morning and evening peaks.The cluster results suggest that the most prominent turnover patterns were“early check-out and late check-in”and“early check-in and late check-out,”and the scheduling pressure could increase during non-peak hours on weekdays.In terms of spatial demand distribution,the connection corridor from Sanjiangkou district to Eastern New Town could be considered as a long-term demand hotspot.The usage demand of stations located in the suburban districts on weekends,was higher than that on weekdays during morning and evening peak hours.The regression model results show that the usage of PBS could be affected by the number of bus stations nearby,residential areas,public spaces and parks,roadway infrastructure,capacity and coverage of stations.
作者 于二泽 温亚豪 YU Erze;WEN Yahao(Beijing PKU ChinaFront High Technology Co.,Ltd,Beijing 100085,China;Guangdong Communication Planning and Design Institute Co.,Guangzhou 510507,China)
出处 《交通工程》 2021年第3期83-90,96,共9页 Journal of Transportation Engineering
基金 “崇本助创基金”资助项目(2019014).
关键词 公共自行车 时空特征 IC卡数据 数据挖掘 影响因素 public bike-sharing spatial-temporal characteristics IC-card data data mining influence factors
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