[目的]探讨放养云岭山羊羔羊在哺乳期的生长发育规律。[方法]选取待产母羊24只,共产羔36只(公羔17只,母羔19只),测定0~8周龄羔羊的体重(每周测定1次)和体尺(隔1周测定)。采用Logistic、Gompertz和Von Bertalanffy 3种非线性模型对0~8周龄公羔、母羔的体重进行生长曲线拟合,并对初生体重以及试验末体重进行相关性分析。[结果]采用的3种非线性模型均能够很好地拟合哺乳期云岭山羊羔羊生长曲线,拟合度均大于0.99。Gompertz和Von Bertalanffy模型拟合效果较优,公羔的生长发育曲线拐点时间分别为3.212周和2.862周,拐点体重分别为5.691、5.352 kg;母羔拐点时间分别为1.927周和1.325周,拐点体重分别为4.532、3.960 kg;公、母羔之间拐点周龄和拐点体重存在差异,公羔平均在3.037周龄体重增长速度达到最大,而母羔平均在1.626周龄体重增长速度达到最大。初生重对羔羊试验末体重有极显著(P<0.01)影响。[结论]该研究结果可为今后对哺乳期放养云岭山羊羔羊进行合理补饲提供依据。
[Objective]To characterize the growth and development laws of grazing Yunling goat kids during lactation period.[Method]A total of 36 Yunling goat kids including 17 male kids and 19 female kids produced by 24 nanny goats were chosen.During the 0 to 8 weeks of age,the kids were weighted once a week and the body size traits were measured once every other week.The growth curve fitting analysis on weights of male and female kids aged 0 to 8 weeks was conducted using three nonlinear models of Logistic,Gompertz and Von Bertalanffy,and the correlation analysis was carried out between birth weights and weights at the end of the experiment.[Result]The three used models all well fitted the growth curve of Yunling goat kids during lactation period with fitting degree greater than 0.99.The Gompertz and Von Bertalanffy models had better fitting performance.The inflection point times of the growth and development curve of male kids were 3.212 weeks and 2.862 weeks,and the weights at the inflection point were 5.691 kg and 5.352 kg,respectively;the inflection point times of that of female kids were 1.927 weeks and 1.325 weeks,and the weights at the inflection point were 4.532 kg and 3.960 kg,respectively.There were differences in weeks of age and weights in inflection point between male and female kids.The weight growth rate of male kids peaked at 3.037 weeks of age averagely,while that of female kids peaked at 1.626 weeks of age averagely.Birth weights of the kids had significant(P<0.01)effect on weights at the end of the experiment.[Conclusion]The results of this study provide references for scientific rearing of grazing Yunling goats and rational supplementary feeding of Yunling goat kids during lactation period.
HE Gui-wen;HE Yun-feng;YANG Ya-jin;GUO Ai-wei(College of Life Sciences,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming650224,China)
Animal Husbandry and Feed Science
云南省优势特色重点学科生物学一级学科建设项目 (50097505)。