
嵌合犬瘟热病毒rHBF-vacH株的构建及鉴定 被引量:1

Generation and Identification of a Chimeric Canine Distemper Virus rHBF-vacH Strain
摘要 为了明确我国犬瘟热病毒流行毒株的关键毒力基因及其致病机制,本研究构建了一株表达疫苗毒株H基因的嵌合犬瘟热病毒rHBF-vacH。犬瘟热病毒的囊膜蛋白H和F,决定着犬瘟热病毒宿主嗜性和致病性,也是产生免疫保护的关键抗原。因此,本研究以GenBank中公布的犬瘟热病毒疫苗毒株Onderstepoort序列(AF378705)为模板,利用Primer Premier 6.0设计特异性引物,扩增其H基因,将Onderstepoort的H基因定向克隆至pcDNA3.2-HBF-1中,筛选获得正确的全长重组质粒pcDNA3.2-HBF-vacH之后,通过病毒拯救,获得嵌合病毒rHBF-vacH,最后,通过免疫荧光、RT-PCR和电镜观察,初步鉴定嵌合病毒rHBF-vacH的基因组中携带有犬瘟热病毒疫苗毒Onderstepoort的H基因。本研究构建的嵌合病毒rHBF-vacH为国内犬瘟热病毒流行毒株H基因致病性研究提供了技术平台,有助于设计重组犬瘟热疫苗。 To clarify the key virulence gene and its pathogenic mechanism of the epidemic canine distemper virus in China,a chimeric canine distemper virus rHBF-vacH strain expressing the H gene of the vaccine strain was constructed.As known that the enveloped proteins H and F of canine distemper virus determine its host tropism and pathogenicity,and they are the key protective antigens.Therefore,the specific primers to amplify the H gene of Onderstepoort strain with the Primer Premier 6.0 soft based on the whole genome sequence as a template of Onderstepoort(AF378705)published in GenBank was designed.Then the H gene of Onderstepoort to the restriction sites in pcDNA3.2-HBF-1,a full-length infectious clone of an isolate canine distemper virus HBF-1 strain was cloned,which would obtain a correct recombinant plasmid pcDNA3.2-HBF-vacH.The chimeric virus rHBF-vacH was recovered by co-transfections of pcDNA3.2-HBF-vacH and three helper plasmids pcDNA3.2-N,pcDNA3.2-P and pcDNA3.2-L expressing N protein,P protein and L protein,respectively.The chimeric virus rHBF-vacH was preliminarily identified by immunofluorescence,RT-PCR and electron microscope observation.The results demonstrated that the chimeric virus rHBF-vacH reacted strongly with the canine distemper virus specific anti-N monoclonal antibodies,carried an H gene of Onderstepoort strain.It wasn’t its original wild type H gene,it was round-shapes with envelope membrane of about 200 nm size,the typical morphology of canine distemper virus.The construction and identification of chimeric virus rHBF-vacH in the present study provided a basis to further clarify the role of canine distemper virus H gene in pathogenicity of canine distemper virus epidemic strains in China,which would provided an evidence for the precise design of canine distemper vaccine in future.
作者 卜研 冯楚楚 闫喜军 薛向红 BUYan;FENG Chu-chu;YAN Xi-jun;XUE Xiang-hong(Institute of Special Animal and Plant Sciences of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Changchun 130112,China)
出处 《特产研究》 2021年第3期6-10,18,共6页 Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant Research
基金 国家自然基金项目(31902275,82072332) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(No.1610342020017)。
关键词 嵌合病毒 犬瘟热病毒 rHBF-vacH Chimeric virus canine distemper virus rHBF-vacH
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