

摘要 马克西姆·施拉耶尔是著名的俄裔美国犹太作家、翻译家、文学评论家,现为波士顿学院俄语、英语与犹太研究教授,兼任哈佛戴维斯中心俄罗斯与欧亚犹太人研究项目主任。他因主编《俄国犹太文学选集》而获得2007年度美国国家犹太图书奖,随后凭借对犹太诗人和大屠杀见证者的研究赢得2012年度古根海姆奖。此外,他所创作的传记与小说作品在国际上广受好评,借此成为当代美国犹太作家的代表人物之一。2019年年底,施拉耶尔接受了上海外国语大学犹太研究所李锋教授的访谈。在访谈中,他谈及自己的俄国犹太文学研究、移民文学研究、传记与小说写作,以及对族裔与宗教身份、历史、记忆等问题的看法。施拉耶尔指出,尽管俄国犹太文学在其本土日渐式微,但其遗产将在美国和以色列保持生机,而自己的文学研究与创作,也将持续关注俄国犹太移民如何同往昔的欧洲记忆努力实现和解,同时在当下美国营造新的生活。 Maxim D. Shrayer(Russian spelling: Максим Д. Шраер), a well-known Jewish-American author, translator, and literary scholar, is Professor of Russian, English, and Jewish Studies at Boston College and Director of the Project on Russian and Eurasian Jewry at Harvard’s Davis Center. Shrayer received the National Jewish Book Award(2007) for his An Anthology of Jewish-Russian Literature, and was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship(2012) for his research on Jewish poets and witnesses to the Shoah. Besides, his biographical writings and fiction are internationally acclaimed;by virtue of that, he is considered one of the representative Jewish writers in contemporary America. In late 2019, Maxim D. Shrayer was interviewed by Li Feng, Professor at the Institute of Jewish Studies, Shanghai International Studies University. In the interview, he talked about his research on Jewish-Russian literature and immigration literature, his writing of autobiographies and fiction, and his opinions of ethnic and religious identity, history and memory. Shrayer argues that despite the gradual decline of Jewish-Russian literature in its homeland, its legacy will be vibrantly alive in America and Israel;and his literary research and writings will keep a watch on how Jewish-Russians are struggling to come to terms with ghosts of their European pasts while simultaneously seeking to build new lives in their American present.
作者 李锋
出处 《复旦外国语言文学论丛》 2020年第2期48-54,共7页 Fudan Forum on Foreign Languages and Literature
关键词 马克西姆·施拉耶尔 俄国犹太文学 俄裔美国文学 大屠杀研究 离散研究 移民文学 Maxim D.Shrayer Jewish-Russian literature Russian-American literature Shoah studies diaspora studies immigration literature
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