
长江口南槽航道治理一期工程基建性疏浚特点分析 被引量:3

Analysis on characteristics of capital dredging for first phase of South Passage navigation channel regulation project in the Yangtze Estuary
摘要 作为“十三五”期全国重点水运工程项目,长江口南槽航道治理一期工程于2020年6月建成并投入试运行。利用南槽6 m航道基建性疏浚工程现场资料分析表明,工程实施过程中南槽6 m航道基建性疏浚取得预期效果,主要呈现5个特点:1)疏浚施工方案合理可行,基建期疏浚工程量与设计预期基本相当;2)新航槽尺度如期实现疏浚贯通,沿程成槽效果有所差异;3)疏浚施工过程管控规范,克服作业水域通航密度高等多项施工难点;4)疏浚土处置合规且部分用于整治建筑物袋装砂充填料,弥补短时用砂不足;5)南槽5.5 m临时航道及时疏通,确保施工期船舶通航安全。同时展望南槽6 m航道运行维护管理要点和后续进一步开发治理设想。 As a national key water transport engineering during the 13th Five Year Plan period,the first phase of the South Passage navigation channel regulation project in the Yangtze Estuary was completed and put into trial operation in June 2020.Based on the analysis of the field data of the capital dredging project of the South Passage 6 m navigation channel,the expected effect is achieved in the process of implementation,and the five main characteristics are as follows:1)The dredging construction scheme is reasonable and feasible,and the amount of dredging engineering in the capital construction period is consistent with the design expectation.2)The new navigation channel scale is dredged on schedule,and the grooving effect is different along the waterway.3)The management and control of the dredging construction process are standardized,and the various construction difficulties including high navigation density in the operation water area are overcome.4)The dredged material is disposed in compliance with the regulations,and part of the dredged material is used as the bagged sand filling materials of regulation buildings,which make up for the short-term shortage of engineering sand.5)the 5.5m temporary navigation channel of the South Passage is dredged in time,which ensures the navigation safety of ships during the construction period.Meanwhile,the key points of operation and maintenance management of the South Passage 6 m navigation channel and the assumption of further development of the waterway are expected.
作者 赵德招 储华军 ZHAO De-zhao;CHU Hua-jun(Yangtze Estuary Waterway Administration Bureau,Ministry of Transport,Shanghai 200003,China)
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2021年第6期97-103,共7页 Port & Waterway Engineering
关键词 长江口 南槽6 m航道 基建性疏浚 特点分析 建设维护展望 the Yangtze Estuary South Passage 6 m navigation channel capital dredging characteristic analysis construction and maintenance prospect
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